C H A P T E R # 6 - Medical Bay

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I woke up with my head throbbing. Again. But this time I remembered. I was in a fight with Arlo, and I thought I had gained the upper hand or beaten him, but I supposed not. Why couldn't I just beat Arlo for once?

My thoughts were interrupted when a familiar blue-haired man came over to me.

"Oh. It's you again. Here, drink this." Doctor Darren handed me a sort of greenish tonic that he said would heal all my injuries within the span of the hour. It tasted bitter, and I almost spit it out immediately.

"Who brought me here, Sir?" I was confused on how I got here. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I was just in another room and then I got back here and you came in." he sounded less grumpy than usual. I wondered what had happened to him? Maybe a special someone...

I stood up to leave and surprisingly, the Doctor let me leave early. Something was up, I would have to ask around.

I stepped out into the hallway. Of course, everybody was staring at me again. Real typical. I was getting sort of used to it now.

"John?" an unfamiliar brown-haired boy came up to me. "Seraphina requests your prescence."

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