9: Darlene Almost Punched Thomas

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If anyone happens to know any good songs for Sopranos that are from the golden age of theatre, that would be great because my rep book is non existent and that's kinda important for college

Anyway, enjoy! :)

Darlene momentarily forgot where she was before it all came crashing back. She was sleeping on the floor, in her long lost sister's bedroom, with her picture perfect family.

" Morning." Darlene looked across the room to see Penny sitting in her window sill over the fire escape.

" Hi." Darlene replied, sitting up slowly.

" Penny?" Ana knocked at the door.

" Yeah, An?" Penny called.

" Mommy told me to tell you guys that breakfast is ready." Ana replied.

" Kay, we'll be right out." Penny replied.

" Come on." Penny nodded towards her door. Darlene paused, not saying anything.

" What's wrong?" Penny knit her eyebrows.

" Nothing." Darlene shook her head. Penny didn't look convinced but didn't press.

" Mom makes the best pancakes." Penny commented.

" Don't." Darlene snapped.

" Don't what?" Penny asked.

" Don't act like I'm apart of your family." Darlene got up quickly, making a beeline for the door. Penny stayed put for a moment, leaning into her dresser.

She glanced at the picture of her, Josh, and Bexley on her seventh birthday. The time when she was young, but not completely innocent. That was stolen away with how her mother treated her.

" You're helping her right now."

She followed her sister out of the room, putting on a smile for the sake of her family.

" Morning kiddo." Josh smiled, placing the pancakes in the middle of the table. Darlene stood off to the side, arms crossed over her chest.

" Lene." Jac toddled over to Darlene, tugging on her sweatpants. Darlene blinked for a moment, not sure on how to react to the small child.

" Jackie, is Darlene sitting next to you?" Josh grinned. Jackie nodded enthusiastically.

" Have a seat, sweetie." Bexley called from the kitchen. Darlene awkwardly followed as Jackie tugged her lead her to a seat.

Josh glanced at Penny, throwing her a confused glance. Penny shrugged, finding a seat between Ana and Jackie.

Breakfast flew by awkwardly as the oldest two girls sat in silence. After they finished eating, Ana ran off to get dressed while Josh took Jac to get changed. Penny ran to get dressed and to grab Darlene some clothes.

" Darlene, do you have anything you'd want to grab?" Bexley asked as she collected dishes.

" Huh?" Darlene almost dropped her plate.

" Honey, I'm not letting you go back on the streets. I was wondering if you had any belongings you'd want to grab?" Bexley repeated.

" You're only doing this because I'm Penny's sister, you wouldn't care otherwise." Darlene rolled her eyes.

" You have walls, that's okay, you can break them down when you're ready. But we will care and love you just like any of our daughters. This is not out of obligation." Bexley stated. Darlene stayed silent for a moment.

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