19: Quiet

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Warning: this chapter is about a school shooting

"Where is it?" Darlene muttered, searching through the piles of sheet music that sat on the piano. Was she technically allowed in the music room alone? No, but it's fine.

Penny had to miss school since she woke up with a migraine, and she had asked Darlene to grab her sheet music for her.

"What are you doing in here?" A rather unwelcomed voice said behind her.

"Could ask you the same thing." Darlene shot Daniel a glare over her shoulder.

"Can I have everyone's attention," Their principal's voice went over the announcement system,"We are now going into a shelter in place, you must lock the doors and stay in the room you are in. This is not a drill, do not leave your room."

"You've gotta be kidding me." Daniel whispered as Darlene went to lock the door.

"That's just wonderful." Darlene huffed, returning to her search.

"What are you looking for?" Daniel asked.

"My sister asked me to grab some sheet music for her, but I can't seem to find it." Darlene replied.

"Lemme help, what's it called?" Daniel stood across from her. Darlene gave him an odd look.

"Look, if we're gonna be here a while, I might as well help." Daniel stated.

"It's called Found/Tonight, Penny wants us to sing it together." Darlene said.

"You sing?" Daniel asked, just a little surprised.

"Is that so hard to believe?" Darlene cocked an eyebrow.

"No, you just always struck me as the angsty teenage girl who wore too much black." Daniel shrugged.

"Well, maybe you don't know me that well." Darlene muttered.

"Maybe not." Daniel shrugged. They fell into silence, the only sound was the shuffling of papers.

"This it?" Daniel held up some sheet music.

"That's it, thanks." Darlene grinned, tucking the sheet music in her bag.

"Wanna play checkers?" She pulled a box of checkers off a nearby shelf.

"Sure." Daniel nodded. They arranged a game on the floor.

"So, tell me a secret." Daniel said.

"I don't just tell secrets." Darlene glanced at him.

"What if I tell you one first?"

"Okay." Darlene nodded.

"I used to have a crush on your sister." Daniel said.

"Everyone knew that." Darlene deadpanned.

"But I never outwardly said it." Daniel shot back.

"Point." Darlene nodded.

"Your turn." Daniel said.

"You're really overestimating my trust in you." She chuckled.

"Who am I gonna tell?" Daniel gestured around the empty room.

"Okay, um, Penny and I were separated for nearly 12 years, but when we met again, I automatically trusted her." Darlene stated.

"I think that's how it is for everyone." Daniel replied.

"Really?" Darlene tilted her head.

"Yeah, I mean, my sister and I don't really get along, but I'd trust her with anything." Daniel said.

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