17: Reunited Part II

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Bexley stared at her mother who stood awkwardly in the entryway.

"Can-can I come in?" Quinn James asked hesitantly.

"How the hell did you find me?" Bexley ignored her question.

"Well, I followed the clues from everyone's social medias." Quinn shrugged.

"And just decided to show up at the front door at 2:30 in the morning?" Bexley sighed.

"Nobody gonna acknowledge how creepy that is?" Andy whispered.

"Oh, 100%." Zach nodded.

"I just wanna talk." Quinn stated.

"Great, you know where you are, come back tomorrow." Bexley said. Quinn pursed her lips before realizing that Bexley was not backing down.

"Fine." Quinn nodded, walking away. Bexley closed the door, leaning into it with a sigh.

"Bexley, your life is legitimately a fanfiction." DeMarius commented.

"And how do you know that, DeMarius?" Jeff squinted.

"Because I read, Jeffrey." DeMarius shot back.

"Okay, bed time!" Cara clapped her hands together. Everyone quickly wandered off, not wanting to upset Mom anymore than she already was.

"So..." Josh trailed off, glancing at his wife.

"Yeah." Bexley clicked her tongue, pushing herself off the door.

"Come here, Angel." Josh pulled her into his embrace.

"You give the best hugs." Bexley mumbled against his chest. Josh chuckled lightly, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. They stayed like that for a while before Bexley pulled away, wandering towards the kitchen.

"I thought she was in jail." Josh followed her.

"So did I." Bexley grabbed two glasses out of the cupboard, filling them with water.

"Thank you." Josh said as Bexley passed him a glass.

"Can I do anything?" Josh asked.

"Right now, I need a lot of vodka, hugs, and all my girls in the same room." Bexley chuckled sarcastically.

"You gonna call off the reunion?" Josh asked. Bexley paused, swirling the glass in her hand.

"No," She shook her head, "I'm not allowing this woman come and ruin my vacation with my friends."

"Yeah, I expected a response," Josh chuckled, "But, you don't always need to be strong." He added softly, reaching up to brush a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"I know." She whispered, smiling up at him.

"Let's go to bed." He placed his glass in the sink.

"Yeah." She took his outstretched hand, following him upstairs.


"Why did we stay up till three watching Agents of Shield?" Emma commented as she and Nia wandered back into the livingroom.

"We absolutely did." Nia laughed, having a surprising amount of energy dispite having around four and a half hours of sleep. After they realized what time it was, most of the adults had retired to their rooms, most of them sharing seeing as there weren't that many rooms in the apartment. The teenagers, Anni, and Bobbie all opted to stay in the livingroom.

"Which group you taking today?" Emma questioned, setting up the coffee machine.

"Babies." Nia replied.

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