fun fact you didn't ask for this part ii

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I promise I did not abandon this story, I just haven't had the time to write a full chapter.

- I changed Roman's name like six times

- My first and middle name have both been said several times between the two books

- These are probably gonna be headcanons again

- I have so many typos in this book

- Gwen is a bisexual queen

- Penny's first kiss was with Lee Anson in their middle school play of Rapunzel

- He came out as gay exactly three years later

- Gwen wears pink every Wednesday

- She even got Roman to start doing it

- Darlene has minor OCD and will occasionally wander in Penny's room to fix things

- Darlene's style is very modest but soft. She gravitates towards black, grays, and other neutrals. She normally wears either dark wash jeans or leggings, paired with a simple top or sweater.

- Penny also looks like she's ready for a workout. She lives in workout clothes. Her favorite thing in her closet is her cross country warmup jacket that she wears almost daily. Occasionally she'll switch it up with a sweatshirt she stole from Roman. Regardless of having a plethora of dressy clothes, she just doesn't have the want to wear them.

- Gwen choses comfort over style, but is also one of those girls that looks perfect regardless. She once rolled up to school in sweatpants and a tshirt, claiming she just rolled out of bed. Penny and Darlene still don't believe her because she looked amazing.

- Both Penny and Darlene have a minor obsession with breakfast foods at midnight

- Roman discovered this one night when he was staying over. Penny was by the toaster over waiting for her waffles to be finished, and Darlene was leaned over the stove with bacon on a pan.

- Then Gwen popped out of nowhere with a plate of hashbrowns

- Darlene is actually surprisingly physically affectionate

- Daniel had learned this after they started hanging out more. She would always lean into Penny or Gwen if they were next to her. She would give Roman hugs often, which he always returned happily. She would press close to Daniel if the group was watching a movie together. Sometimes her fingers would find his wrist if they were in a busy store together. When he asked Penny about it, she simply smiled saying that Darlene only touched people she trusted.

- Roman writes Penny poems

- And they're actually really good

- Gwen jokes about being the fifth wheel, but she's actually really happy that her friends are happy

- She also is really happy with herself and is content not being in a relationship right now

- Penny and Daniel wound up being really good friends after they got over their differences

- Daniel's middle name is Florence

- And Darlene will never let him forget it

- It's after his great, great, great, great grandfather who was fourth in line to rule a small European country

- He also doesn't think that's quite true

- Gwen is named after her grandmother

- There are four Burrage children, currently

- Four Cook children, currently

- Three Flaherty children, currently

- And one Masson child, currently

- Yes, there will be more

- Get excited

- A/N- I just ate waffles and they were really good

- Penny is mildly obsessed with Roman's eyes. In her opinion, there were the perfect shade of hazel that would sometimes capture the light perfectly, making them look almost green. And his glasses just made it even better

- Just the same, Roman loved Penny's freckles. She didn't have an extreme amount, but definitely had splashes across her face, shoulders, and neck. From her time playing outside and running cross country, she was certainly in the sun a lot. Sometimes, he would lightly trace her freckles with his finger, drawing shapes. He got really excited when a splash of freckles traced out a sigma. A roman letter. She called him a nerd

- Bexley still runs from when she ran cross country in high school. Sometimes she'll go on runs with Penny if both their schedules allow. It's their sacred time that nobody dared interrupt

- JoJo read her kids Shakespeare instead of children's books. Not because she thought it would make them smarter. But because she wanted her kids to go to school shouting "Out of my sight. Thou dost infect my eyes."

- Harper did. Once.

- And got sent to the principal's office. But he thought it was funny and sent her back.

- Penny often burst out singing. She could be sitting their silently and all of a sudden the climax of Defying Gravity will burst out of her mouth. She once scared Roman so much that he fell out of his chair.

- Darlene can sing really high. The Phantom of the Opera is easy for her. And the aria from Frozen II is a breeze. Penny doesn't understand how she can just casually sing those notes.

- Darlene can't decide if Josh and Bexley calling one another "Dork" and "Angel" is cute or somewhat nauseating. She's deducted that it's a mix and it depends on the day for her

That's all for now, I'm hoping to finish the next chapter here soon and I'm so sorry it's taking so long! Thank you to everyone who's read this story, it means the world to me!

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