18: Mother Dearest

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"I hate this." Bexley sighed as she and Josh walked towards the diner.

"I know." Josh swung their hands between them. Bexley pushed open the door to the diner, quickly locating Quinn at a back table.

"You came." Quinn sounded surprised as the couple sat across from her.

"It was my terms." Bexley stated.

"Um, it's...it's great to see you." Quinn started.

"You're so grown up." She continued.

"I am 34." Bexley shrugged.

"And I haven't seen you since you were 9 years old." Quinn replied.

"Because I didn't want to see you." Bexley said.

"I can't say I blame you." Quinn sighed.

"What do you want?" Bexley cut to the chase.

"To talk." Quinn shrugged.

"I'm sure." Bexley rolled her eyes. Josh placed a hand on her knee under the table, quickly calming her down.

"I thought you were still in jail." Bexley said.

"Got out a few years ago." Quinn replied softly.

"And you just decided to track me down?" Bexley asked.

"Look, Bexley, I know I messed up your childhood, but I want to make it right."

"How?" Bexley questioned.

"Can we start with breakfast?" Quinn asked hopefully. Bexley sighed before nodding.


"Ben," JoJo flopped onto their bed, "I want another baby."

Ben basically started choking on air.

"Another?" Ben patted his chest dramatically.

"Yeah." JoJo smiled.

"Do you actually want another or is this just because you were hanging out with little Reyna?" Ben questioned.

"Both?" JoJo tilted her head, sitting up.

"You know with our luck another will actually be two more?" Ben glanced at her.

"Yeah, probably." JoJo laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You're ridiculous." Ben chuckled, winding his arms around her waist.

"But you love me." She smiled cheekily.

"Very much."


"Nick, where's Reyna's pacifier?" Natalie called, holding the infant in one arm while digging through the diaper bag with the other.

"Right here." Nick grabbed the pacifier off the dresser.

"Oh, thank you." Natalie grinned.

"Here, why don't you see daddy," Natalie passed Reyna to Nick, "And I'll finish getting ready to go."

"We're just going to your mom's house for dinner." Nick chuckled, bouncing Reyna in his arms.

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