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Why did you leave me?


Did you hate me?

'No.. I didn't hate you'

You said you love me years ago.. Is that a lie?

'I- its .... '

Even after we reincarnated, you still made the same mistake.. Beware of the voice, or you will lose someone important again.. Tenn-nii



"Akh-" Tenn opened his eyes and sat up immediately, panting. He held his eyes in pain,


a purple light shone from his eyes making tenn groaned in pain before fading a little


"Tenn. Did you drink your medicine?"

Tenn glanced at takamasa who stood at the door looking at him. He shook his head, takamasa sighed and gave him a glass with light blue water

"You didn't eat for a week now, you think you will survive if you keep acting like this?" Takamasa asked with hard voice.

Tenn flinched, "i.. at.... ul"

"Speak up" Takamasa said, tenn clenched his hand as he looked up

"I- i don't want to eat human's soul again!!" He yelled, his voice pierced through the quiet night.

"Heh.. "

Takamasa only smirked before walked to the door again, opening it before looking back

"I suggest you to eat at least 4 souls on the concert day. After all, the demon inside you won't let you go that easily" He said, walking out and closed the door.

Tenn glared at his own hand, he can feel the purple light in his eyes disappeared.

Stop acting so childish, TENN

"SHUT UP!" tenn screamed as he clenched his head.

The voice immediately fading into air and tenn sighed in relief. He stared at the tattoo on his hand blankly before looking away


At school,

".. Ku"



"Y-YES?!" riku flinched as he stood up in panic. Idolish7 stared at him in worry.

"What happened to you today? You looked unfocused" Mitsuki asked, nagi nodded as he leaned in curiously.

"J-just spaced out" Riku mumbled with a sheepish smile. Iori shook his head while sighing.

"Nanase-san, please pay attention. Today is the school concert day"

"Yessss" Riku replied with a pout. Sougo sat beside him, "what's in your mind, riku-kun?"

"... Just curious about my dream" Riku replied. Tamaki tilted his head

"What kind of dream?"

"Sigh, that's what i want to know as well. The dream was blurry but i definitely saw something purple and red or something?"

Riku said with a question tone. He couldn't really remember it vividly

"Purple? Red? It was a weird dream huh?" Yamato said with a shrug. Riku nodded agreeing.

"Oho? Its trigger turn" Nagi exclaimed pointing towards the cheering crowds and the stage.

Riku stared at the three figures on the stage, realizing that a certain trigger center looked pale and tired. Riku frowned

"Stupid brother, he couldn't even take care of himself" Riku grumbled under his breath, couldn't waved away his worry towards his twin brother

"I will go for a little bit-" Riku announced as he stood up and ran towards the second floor (the floor below them)

"Don't be late! Our turn is next!" Mitsuki shouted, riku nodded and ran faster to downstairs passing through people and stopped at the edge to see the idols clearly.

The second floor is empty, it is actually a forbidden area except for concert day like today. But people still choose the first floor to cheer for their idols and see them clearly and closer.

At the same moment, its time for Kujou tenn solo line.


Tenn pov :

Sing.. I need to eat...

I gritted my teeth in despair, knowing i will have to do it just like how i always do it since in the past.

'I'm so sorry...'   I thought as i stared at the faces of excited and tearful fans. I let a breath out before closing my eyes and let my voice out

"hedateru mono wa nani mo nai kurai ni, Wo Wow mitsume aeba" I sang the leopard eyes lyrics soulfully,

Slowly, purple light surrounded me and my eyes start to shine purple light for a second. The one inside me laughed in happiness as i once again became his puppet

My tattoo felt like in fire as the purple light left my eyes and start to surrounding the concert hall.

'Just 4 people.. Please.. ' i begged to myself as the light slowly went inside 4 fans making them fainted. 4 white ball of light  stayed in the air as tenn called for them inside his mind

'Come to me.. The souls of endymion people..' I chanted inside my mind, time around me seems to stop as everything became grey and quiet.

Food... Finally...

The four lights flew to me, i closed my eyes before reaching my hand towards the lights with regretful heart.

".. What?" 

I frowned, the lights stopped flying towards me. It stayed in the middle of the space silently

"What happened?" I asked to myself in wonder. The time space only has 30 seconds left before it started to flow again.

Faintly, i can heard someone singing. Its a boy? I looked around trying to find who can interrupted the time space so easily.

No one pov :

"Ima , tooi sora nagamete…"

The voice became louder and surrounded the space. Tenn can feel his chest start to become warm as his eyes widen in realization.

"itsuka ano mukougawa"

He ignored how the demon inside him screamed in despair as the lights disappeared into golden lights, meaning they came back to the owner body.

"The only voice that can counter my soul voice.. The voice that full of warm and joy.. the healing- no the angel voice?" Tenn mumbled to himself. The space around him start to fading, time is up.


"Niji o kakero Next Harmony!"

"That song is.. IDOLiSH7 WISH VOYAGE?"

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