The wardrobe

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At night,

"Idolish7.. And the mysterious Otoharu-san.." Riku lay down on his bed and looks up to the ceiling.

' you are.. The Seventh'

"That time.. What is seventh mean with me?" Riku frown in confusion. Otoharu called him seventh but why?

"That idol school... Is it really just a normal one? The wall i saw and the building is too big for school.. And that sakura tree. I ever saw it before.. But where" riku mumbles every suspicious thing he remembers.


A dull sound can be heard suddenly. Riku still mumbling in his own world not hearing the sound when another come but louder


"?? What is that" riku looks around trying to know what is making that sound before he can see the wardrobe shaking a little.

"?? What is that" riku looks around trying to know what is making that sound before he can see the wardrobe shaking a little

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Riku walks slowly to the wardrobe and hold the door handle slowly.

He closed his eyes and open the door wide and fast before peeking to see nothing inside at all.

"E-ehh? I'm pretty sure the sound is from here so- ah! So cold.. What in the world happen inside this wardrobe to be this cold" riku touch the wardrobe side softly. Its almost like its snowing inside.

"Are..? Is this words ever here? What is this language anyway?" Riku stares at the small words in the corner of the wardrobe.


".. Met-

"Riku?" Rika suddenly comes inside the room staring at riku's half body inside the wardrobe suspiciously.

"What.. Are you doing?"

"I- i was trying to find Narnia!!" Riku automatically answer and close the door fast.

"Nar- what?"

"Anyway! I'm hungry.. Is dinner ready?" Riku asks trying to change the subjects.

"Yeah, here. I don't have time to cook so i buy you some foods. Omurice and lemon tea" rika gives him the food and drink then prepare to leave

"Take care of yourself okay?" Rika asks him in worried. Riku smiles and nods his head trying to assure her

"Okay! Ah, rika-san. Who bought that wardrobe?" Riku asks the almost leaving woman.

"That wardrobe..? I was the one who bought it. Is there any problem?" Rika ask concern

"No! There is no problem. Its just look beautiful and i was just curious" riku answers with a nervous smile.

"Okay, then. You always ask the strangest question i swear"

Door closed

Riku let himself fall to the ground and sigh in relief.

"Ahhh, that's too dangerous. How can i forgot rika-san always give me food in this hour."

Riku sighs and glance at the wardrobe. What is that word? Its from Greek

"I'm pretty sure it is greek. I should look at it at the library tomorrow" riku says softly and get up from the floor to the bed.



"Hmm.... Its no where.. There is nothing here too"

In the library, you can see riku searching and looking at every corner of the not so big library.

"Why is there no greek book here? Im pretty sure i found one yesterday" riku grumbles and keep searching but nothing seems there.

A sakura petal can be seen flying outside the window catching riku's attention. He peeks from the window to see its directly show the mini forest with a small building far inside it.

"Is that... What i think it is?" Riku moves closer to the window and the small building is truly the idol school from afar.

"Oh wow.. It looks so small from here. Wait, that school is twice as big as this so there is suppose to be a big library there" riku excitedly say and walk fast to the forest with his bag.

".. The forest looks different if you are alone. It feels like you will be snow white and walk inside the forest" riku mumble and walk

They suppose to follow the small road but riku being riku of course forgot about that.

"Where is this now?" Riku sighs at his no sense of direction.

He keeps walking and bending to avoid some tree branch when an open area appear. Ah.. There is so many flowers and a river beside them. At the corner there is a cliff.

".... This is"

"Who are you." A cold voice suddenly appear startling riku. Riku turns around and see someone he never thought will meet this fast.

"You!" The boy eyes widen looking at riku.


IDOLiSH7 : Under The Sakura TreeWhere stories live. Discover now