The meeting

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"Okay, class dismissed" mr.Graspel says after the lunch bell rings. One by one the students start to surrounding riku's table.

"Ne, where are you come from?"

"Which rich family you come from?"

"You are genius, do you know that?"

"You are sooo cuteeee"

Riku just smiles and answers them one by one trying to be polite. Suddenly a girl with glasses slam her table loudly making everyone glance at her.

"Could you stop it?! You are making the class noisy" the girl say sternly.

Everyone immediately shut their mouth and just stares at the girl. Did she help me?

"You new student. Stop searching for attention if you want to study here" the girl continued and walk outside the class with angry face.

"... Me?" Riku say surprised and points toward himself

A brown haired girl sigh and glare at the door. She turns back at riku and smile

"Don't mind her, she always so sensitive and obey the school rules way too much" the girl explains gaining a nods from the others.

"She is the class rep but so scary" a boy comments.

"riku, the lunch is almost over. Are you not eating?" Aristia shout from the other side of the class. Riku checks his watch and gasp

"No way!! 10 minutes left? Minna, gomenasai but i need to go now" riku says as he immediately pull out his glasses surprising everyone.

Door closes

"H-he just pull out his glasses right?" A male student ask the others as they nods.

"He actually can be an idol?"

"Yeah with that face he can be an idol"

As the students whispering to each other, touma open his eyes and glance at the students before turn into riku's seat.

'An idol material huh?'


'Aaa, i definitely forgot to buy lunch... I have to g-


Riku accidentally bump into someone and almost falling before a strong hand hold him back. He immediately closes his eyes out of fear

"Are you okay?"

Riku open his eyes to look at a blue eyes looking at him worried but annoyed.

"A-ah.. Gomenasai. I accidentally bump into you" riku bows to him in sorry. The blue haired boy seems surprised for a moment before replying

"Its not a problem. Please look at your surrounding before running so fast like that. We don't want another bumping accident happen here, especially to the rich kids" the boy says with a sigh.

"Okay, my name is nanase riku" riku inroduce himself. The boy smiles

"Nice to meet you, nanase-san. My name is-

"IORI! ITS ALMOST TIME TO PERFORM" a short guy shout from the other side of the corridor.

"Iori?" Riku tilts his head confused.

"Cut- *cough My name is izumi iori. You seems in hurry so here. I hope its enough for you. Good bye" iori placed something rather small on riku's palm and walk past him to his friend (brother)

Riku glance at his hand and see a Cinnamon roll on his palm. At the same time the bell rings.

"I hope i can meet him again.." Riku mumble as he eats the cinnamon roll.

Wait.. Did he just mention 'perform' ?


"Who is that iori? Your boyfriend?" Mitsuki teases his brother. Iori blush and shake his head in panic

"N-no!!! He accidentally bump into me and i gave him my cinnamon roll because he seems hungry. That's all" iori explain still blushing.

"Huummm? Interesting.. That boy is catching your attention?"

"..his voice.. Seems perfect for singing." Iori answer carefully.

"Do you think he is our last member?" Mitsuki ask his younger brother.

"... Maybe yes maybe not. Our last member will hold a lot of responsibility as the main vocal. That is what the president said" iori reply.

"Sigh, i wonder why he really wants the last member to be the main vocalist.. Its not like he knows who will become our member. And i think you being the main vocal is more than enough!" Mitsuki grumbles starting to hate whoever the new member is.

"Nii-san, president has... A special ability that no one can understand. His prediction always on point and that somehow scary.." Iori says frowning at their mysterious president.

"I wonder how his prediction will come out..."

"I bet it will be on point again. Lets go nii-san, the idol course is already nearing." Iori and mitsuki walks faster to the another building far from the general building.

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