Tattoo mark?

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After concert,

"Nii-san! You finally arrived!" Iori smiles at his brother sight. Mitsuki waves and walk to them

"Good job! Choosing him as our member is not wrong at all" mitsuki silently say to iori. The said boy smiles and nod

"I personally think his place is always with us considering how president has predict this"

"Hoooo, i seeee" mitsuki says moving his eye brow up and down.

"Mikki!! You are latee" tamaki says loudly after going down from the stage.

"Ah mitsu, your place has been replaced by riku. You are no longer idolish7" yamato says with serious face.

"You fine with food poisoning then?" Mitsuki asks back with rising eye brow.

"I mean, we have 7 members now" yamato immediately change his words but still receive a slap in the back from mitsuki.

"Yamato-san, your joke will be misunderstood you know?" Sougo scolds him. Riku and nagi follow in behind.

"Riku!!! You are amazing!!" Mitsuki excitedly run to the red haired boy and hug him

"Mitsuki-san?! You have arrived? Welcome back. You must be tired from working" riku says with a smile.

"Y-you are such a pure boy. How can we get someone like this. You are better than the weeb, beer ossan, tsundere otouto, pudding hunter and the food poisoning man" mitsuki shed his fake tears slowly.

"OI! / i accept that nickname~" Everyone behind him except tamaki shout feeling insulted. Tamaki suddenly run to them and shout

"Don't forget we still have an encore to do!! Lets do the group cheer!"

"Since when we have a group cheer?" Mitsuki asks confused. The others shrug

"Its something i made up. Here! Put your hands above mine then we will shout "idolish7 GO!!" " tamaki says instructing them. The 6 idols follow what tamaki wants and shout


That day is the day that always shock every fans of idolish7. Even the media start to talk about it.

The japan rising star, nanase riku

Every day, he gains new fans and supporters for him and the group. But of course there are haters that don't accept him as idolish7 member.

Riku understand its something he can't prevent or stop because its like a natural thing. If there are fans then there are haters, just like yin and yang.

But sometimes they can be... More annoying than before?


"I don't understand why he have to join idolish7.. He ruins their image" a girl says to her friend. Riku just yawn not caring about the girl at all.

But the same girl and her friends start to walk in the same direction as him and bad mouthing him loudly making them some kind a center of attention.

"I know right?! How can he even think he is handsome?"

"His face doesn't even count as a boy"

Riku eyes twitch at their annoying high voices. Its been 20 minutes for God sake!! Why did the walk from the gate to the his class is so long?!

"He shouldn't even have fans"

"He don't deserve i-

"JESUS CHRIST! if you want to gossip that LOUD please search for a private space. You are embarrassing the both of us" riku snaps ignoring the "oooh" from the others.

"What? Thinking you are THAT great? I change my mind. Idolish7 is a Trash!" The girl says with a smirk. Her friends laugh beside her

"Their song is so childish and i can't stand it at all omg"

"I don't care what you think about IDOLiSH7, I don't care if you don't understand, this is music, you can like what you like. But how do they behave as humans and give messages to the whole world? For me it is Something really special.

"Many first enjoyed the beat and melody in their music, and then became interested in the meaning and purpose of their music. They teach self-love, they teach not to be afraid of failure, They support that you are special just like everyone else. You who don't even know them in person don't deserve to judge them so easily. Rather speaking bad stuff about my groupmates, how about if you take care at least your face first? Its messy from the chocolate you ate."

Riku cut her calmly and smiled sweetly emitting a blinding light to the others before walk fast leaving the students gossiping about the red faced girls

Riku walks to the class with a frown on his face. He doesn't even think there are toxic people in their school

"How dare they insulted them. They don't know anything about their hard work at all!" Riku grumbles when suddenly he feels a sharp pain from his hand.

"Ittai! What is this..." Riku bring up his hand to see a tattoo? It shapes like two white wings and a crown on the middle.

"This is... A tattoo? How can it suddenly appear out of no where.." Riku looks at it confused not knowing there are 6 people feeling the same pain for a moment.


"Minna!! Surprising news!!"  Mitsuki shouts while opening the door with force surprising 5 people inside it.

"W-what is it nii-san? Is it about the tattoo in our hand?" Iori guesses.

"How do you know that?"

"Umm because you arrived late?" Iori reply. Mitsuki shakes his head and walk in

"Nevermind but how can there is suddenly a tattoo on our hand? Who made it?"

"That is the mystery we don't solve yet.  Ah nanase-san!" Iori exclaim when he see riku walk in the room.

"Hello, why are you guys... Seems agitated?" Riku asks feeling its about the tattoo

"Show us your mark nanase-san. What kind of animal you get?" Iori asks gaining a confused look from riku

"I don't get any animal mark though? Look" riku shows his hand to the others.

"Its a wings with a crown?" Sougo says out loud.

"I wonder why its not an animal.." Nagi mumbles.

"Whats this about animal?" Riku asks still not catching up

"Each of us get an animal mark on our hand. I get a swan, iori-kun a dog, mitsuki-san a dog too, tamaki-kun get a cat, yamato-kun a fox and nagi-kun a bird" sougo explain showing each of their tattoo.

"Except me.. But why?" Riku says to himself.

"Lets ask president~" tamaki suggests

"That is something even i don't know"

The idols turn around seeing otoharu walk inside with a smile.

"Otoharu-san doesn't know too? I thought you can predict things?" Riku ask. Otoharu slowly shake his head

"Predicting is not 100℅ true. Future can change whenever a human or some humans choose the different fate not what God wants."

"Is this some kind of a bad omen?" Nagi asks a little serious.

"I believe its safe for you. There may be a reason to why a tattoo mark suddenly appear on your hands. But what is the reason? That is something that even me don't know" otoharu finished gaining disappointed looks from the others

"Focus on your idol works first. You may find some interesting things somewhere in your idol life"

The others look at each other confused.

'.. Is this something that connected to the other world?' Riku thinks not knowing someone look at him suspiciously.

'I should go check that library again'

IDOLiSH7 : Under The Sakura TreeWhere stories live. Discover now