The first Spirit

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"what a hassle.. sigh" the man take off his glove and jump to the top of the eagle gracefully.

the eagle shake his head even though its not making him fall. suddenly the eagle can feel a hand touch his forehead along with a cold hard voice

" die." 


a bright light coming out of the man's palm forcing the others to close their eyes, when idolish7 open their eyes the eagle has completely disappear from the room without leaving any traces.

Riku stared at the man in shock "the eagle.. disappeared?!"

"W-who are you?!" Iori yells running to riku and pull the singer behind him away from the suspicious man. Riku's body follow iori's hand like a doll. "iori-"

"oi, don't pull master's body that hard " the man says coldly to iori with a cold gaze. mitsuki, sougo, tamaki and yamato only stare at them not dare to interfere with how tense the air is around the two of them

iori glares at him back, holding riku's wrist tightly, "and who are you to tell me that?"

the man chuckles and bow down like a gentleman, "the king of lion and pride, Leo is at your service."


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"leo.. you mean the leader of the 12 zodiac spirits, that Leo?!" mitsuki exclaims in surprise. "sugooi, but Leo is a lion right not a human" tamaki says confused.

"Ta~maki, Leo is a zodiac spirit" nagi corrects the boy

"tama, you forgot we are in a different world now not our world" yamato reminds the said boy who lets out a "Oh yeah" 

"chuckles, bingo. i am a zodiac spirit" leo answers with a kind smile.

"Hoo~ i picture Leo to resembles a sun but you more like a moon person huh" mitsuki comments, staring deeply to Leo's eyes.

"waah.. a real zodiac spirit. ah- thank you for helping us Earlier, leo-san" riku comes out from iori's back and bow down 

"w-wha--, master! you shouldn't bow down to your servant" leo immediately stop riku's from bowing

riku look at him confused "servant?"

"Yes, star spirits like me have a master which is the person who summoned us. You are the 7th person that can summon us easily, master" leo explains.

"Me..? I summon you? How?" Riku tilts his head confused. He only reads out the words from the book

"Ara? Obviously its your mana, master" leo answers, while thinking how can someone doesn't know mana.

"Mana?? What is that?" Idolish7 asks curiously. Leo stares at them before smiling in disbelief.

"Unbelievable, there is actually people who doesn't know mana, mana is the magic inside you. The stronger the mana is, more people will want you.

Anyway Master, you and your friends.. Where are you come from?"

"The other world" (nagi)

"Earth" (tamaki)

"Tokyo" (mitsuki)

"Japan!" (Riku)

"Somewhere not here obviously" (iori)

"School" (yamato)

"From a secret library" (sougo)

"Do you think Leo-san can understand us?" Riku says in doubt

"Hm.. From what i understand, the seven of you are not from this dimension. Well the name is the same but the world is not" leo replies while brushing his silver hair back

"What do you mean?" Iori says with suspicious look. "This world name is Orynx while yours is earth. But there is a kingdom named Japan with the capital named Tokyo in the east"

"Eh? There is Japan and tokyo too in here??" Mitsuki blinks his eyes, leo nods

"Of course but its different from yours. I advice you to not go there though"

"Eh? Why?" Tamaki asks, leo smile a little before looking away

"Too many dogs are barking there. It will bite you if you don't be careful" leo says. Iori glance at him for a second before sighing

"You say something about mana earlier, so nanase-san has strong magic inside of him?" Iori asks bringing up the main question.

"You could say that, but master.. Somehow i can see a chain binding your that A sealing chain?" Leo squint his eyes more as he move closer to riku.

"?? There is a chain inside my body?" Riku looks down to his chest area, the same place where the star spirit is staring at

"And its not just yours, the others have it too. Humm, you guys are some interesting humans. Its a pleasure to meet you, master.

I'm afraid i need to go now or your mana will run out. please rest your body after this, master. Don't forget to take the book with you, till we meet again" Leo waves at them before fading Then disappear into thin air.


At the same time, Riku's body fall down to the ground as the red haired boy try to catch his breath while sweating so much.

"Nanase-san?!" Iori kneels down and start to wipe the said boy's wet forehead.

"Summoning Leo must make you so tired. He is the leader for a reason" yamato sit beside iori while giving riku's a water bottle.

"But i still can't believe rikkun has magic OR the fact that we are in ANOTHER world now" tamaki says, nagi nods understanding

"I can understand you, something like this only happen in Manga or novel where the character get hit by a truck"

"Eh? Nagichi you read them?"

"OF COURSE!! Such a romantic story" nagi start to day dreaming (and got ignored by the others)

".. But leo-san seems like a nice spirit right?" Riku says softly, yamato snorts beside him

"Literally a criminal will still look nice in your eyes, riku"

"What are you saying yamato-san! I Only... Grate..ful... Zzzz---" riku eyes closed as he lay his head on sougo's shoulder.

"He finally out huh? I can imagine when riku-kun wake up he will think this is a dream or something (it will happen)" sougo chuckles a little at his own words.

"Well, that is nanase-san for you" iori smiles fondly at the sleeping boy before standing up and look around.

"What are you searching?"

"The book about us" iori says shortly before walking around the place.

"Nee! Its this right?" Tamaki yells from the corner, iori and mitsuki run to him then kneel beside him. Mitsuki grab the book(?) And look at it intently.

"... You sure its the book? Looks too frail to me-- Ah"

The book turns into ash leaving not a single thing except its own ashes behind. One thing they are sure about is, only something hot can burn down papers.

".. That damn eagle"


The first key has been found.. Leo, the pride of lion..

Walking by the plains through a blaze of scorched land,
fire permeates the jungle ruled by an invisible hand.

King of all creatures still hunted by man,
whispers of guidance all part of the plan. A single roar is all he needs.

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