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Riki squirmed a little as he felt his hand is numb and whispers filled the room, disturbing his sleep. After a second, he opened his eyes wondering who made a loud noises

".. Uhmm"

Six figures immediately came up to his sight looking worried and relief.

"Minna..?" Riku mumbled as he tried to sit, iori helping him. "Are you feeling okay, nanase-san?"

".. My hand feels so numb" Riku mumbled. Mitsuki eyes twitched

"Of course its numb. Considering how your reckless yet live-saver act by cutting your own hand"

"?? Oh.. Ehehe, at least we escaped" Riku answered. "Well yeah but the risk is not light at all." Tamaki said while feeding riku his ousama pudding.

Your hand will be fine after two weeks they said and you can go home now" Sougo said with relieved smile.

"Ahh yokata.. I don't want to miss my first day at idol school" Riku said, not realizing the surprised look of the others

"Rikkun will move to our school tomorrow!! I forgot!!" Tamaki yelled, getting a hush from sougo. Nagi hugged riku tightly

"Yatta!! Ri~ku finally will be closer with us" Nagi says, riku squirmed as he look at sougo begging for help

"Kora nagi-kun. You shouldn't hug a patient that hard" Sougo scolded the blonde who released a red faced riku.

"Uhm about the- MPPH! " Tamaki flinched when iori put his palm over his mouth, stopping his words.

".. Talk about that later in the school practice room, yotsuba-san. Its a public place here. So many eyes and ears here" Iori whispered, feeling strange from the start. Like something is following them but invisible

Tamaki nodded, "y-you should rest now, rikkun. There is still some time before you can go home. Probably in 1 hour"

Riku nodded as he slowly doze off and sleep comfortably.

____at the school_____

Class 1A,

Tenn walked in the class early as usual. No one is around so he decided to sleep for a short while. He went home at midnight yesterday after done his modeling job.

".. 10 minutes is enough.. " He mumbled not knowing a certain red haired froze in his place when he realized who just came in.

Outside the class,

Riku walked around the class thinking the same thing over and over again.

Why does he has to in the same class with kujou tenn?!

".. Will tenn-nii question my appearance here.. Or he will act like a stranger? Ughh he will probably act like a stranger in public then he will pull me towards an empty room then forced me to explain!" Riku mumbled, thinking the scenario with panic face.

".. Nanase-san? What are you doing in front of the classroom?" Iori asked, sougo & tamaki peeked from behind.

".. Eh? Are the three of you in the same class as me?" Riku asked slowly.

"Are you in class 1A?"

Riku nodded, iori smiled "then we are in the same class"

".. YES! Finally!! I don't think i can stand being alone in this class right now" Riku said with pale face. Tamaki peeked from the door, eyes widen when he saw tenn's sleeping on his desk

".. Ooh i understand" Tamaki said quietly.

"Then we will stay here till the bell rings" Sougo said as he sat himself on the floor near the wall. Soon Riku, tamaki, and iori followed him,

One by one, the students that passed will either glance at them weirdly or fangirling over the three idolish7 members. Not to mention the female students that always pinch riku's cheek saying it looks so fluffy and cute.

".. W-what are you guys doing?" Mitsuki asked the three idols and riku on the floor. Tamaki is laying on riku's lap while riku put his head on sougo's shoulder. Iori leaned close to sougo and was showing them some video on his phone.

"Waiting for Momo-senpai coming to teach us. Its the switch teacher day remember?" Iori said, tilting his head when mitsuki sigh in frustration.

"Okay fine. Never mind. Just.. Don't stay too long like that" Mitsuki said before continue walking to his class

"Kora!! Iori, tamaki, sougo! Its time for class, dear my kouhai" Momo appeared from the corner and look at them in wonder.

"Momo-senpai! Good morning" Iori greeted him as they all stood up and start to walk in the class.

"Ah! New student! Come in and stay beside me okay?" Momo brighten up when he saw riku. He pulled the red haired up and walked in the class with excited look

"Eh?? Whaaa-"


Momo opened the classroom door and walk in, pulling riku like a kid as the students stared at him pretty hard.

'He definitely stared at me really hard, I feel like dying-' riku thought, glancing at tenn who stared at him with a cold yet confused gaze.

"Ekhem- we got new student!! Introduce yourself and what kind of activity you will join, new student!" Momo pointed to riku. Riku gulped before show them his smile

"G-good morning, my name is nanase riku and i will be the seventh member of Idolish7 from now on. Nice to meet yo-"




riku only smiled nervously at them. Tenn glared at him hard, almost demanding an explanation. Momo feeling the tension immediately Intterupted

"S-such a special job you have there. Now you can sit beside sougo over there. Lets start the lesson!" Momo said pointing towards sougo who calling riku over

______break time_____

At the sound of bell, tenn immediately stand up and pull riku towards the door. Riku who is speechless only following him, leaving iori, tamaki and sougo followed him quietly.

".. T-tenn-nii?" Riku called softly, tenn glance at him for a second before continue walking till they are at the garden.

Tenn released his wrist and stare at him hard. Riku stay quiet waiting for his question.

".. Why?"

"... "

"Why did you come here, riku?" Tenn continues. Riku clenched his hand

"I have my own reason. Don't worry, its not about you at all. You don't have to worry about me failing your successful life." Riku answered with brave look. Tenn looks quiet for a moment before saying

".. The school is not what you think about. Its more sinister and have a lot ot secret that a normal boy like you can't stand"

Riku smiled, "i believe i already know some of it though? Excuse me now. Oh and Your tattoo is beautiful tenn-nii"

He said pointing toward tenn's hidden tattoo. The tattoo that no one can look except someone that has the same tattoo.

Tenn looks at him wide eyes, "you-"

Riku waved at him purposely showing off his own tattoo as he walk away leaving a speechless tenn behind. Iori, tamaki, and sougo look at them in shock

".. Kujou tenn is the same with us?" Iori mumbled in shock.

Its not just the seven of them? How many people have the tattoo??

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