the one i search

704 56 14

"Tenn-nii..."  Riku says softly looking at his brother surprised.

"Riku. What are you doing here.." Tenn asks him with calculated eyes.

"Tenn-nii! I-

"Don't call me that. We are not a family anymore, i have new sister and father already" tenn says coldly.

"What..." Riku eyes widen at his statement. Kujou tenn left their family to join another family?

"Just like what i said, you should leave now. I don't even know how you can come here" tenn sighs in frustration.

"You.. Why?" Riku asks dazed.

"Nanase Makoto and Nanase Mia are not a good parents. Their pride and attitude of working every day and night is the one making their business fall. I don't need a parents like that" tenn says


"Riku, try to understand me for a second. If i want to be an idol, there is a sacrifice to made. And that is left you and them" tenn closes his eyes with stern voice.

"Y- you don't understand.. They work hard day and night is for you too. They sacrifice so many things too!"

"I don't need that kind of things. You being sick is already enough for them. Now you should go home and don't tell them about my conversation with you. I don't want another visitor" tenn points toward the exit way.

"You.. Don't even know they died huh.. "

Tenn eyes widen at his brother words. Riku's eyes scream hate and sadness. Its enough to hurt anyone heart that look at him. The tension between them is high. Suddenly a rustling sound can be heard.


Iori looks at them in confusion. Tenn looks like usual but riku looks bad. His eyes has tears and he is frowning.


"I came here to bring you to the school.. Though you are not alone?" Iori glance at tenn in wonder.

"Izumi iori.." Tenn mumbles staring at iori. Riku walk to iori and pull him to the school

"Lets go then. I don't have anything to say anymore" riku force the confused iori to follow him.

"Saying anything to someone that only care for himself is useless anyway" riku say coldly and walk away from tenn.


"Nanase-san... What happen?" Iori ask when they are far enough.

"Just some family fighting"

"Family? The graceful angel, Kujou tenn is your family?" Iori eyes widen.

"Graceful what?" Riku asks with shock eyes.

"His fans gave him that name"

"Tenn-nii?! An angel?! Hah! I want to vomit" riku grumbles and walk fast to the school. Iori runs a little to catch up with the angry boy

"Is he your cousin?"

"Unfortunately no. He is my twin brother or WAS my twin brother. How can you even change the blood inside of you, so sorry but unfortunately you will always be my brother." riku says frowning.

"Kujou tenn is your brother? Surprising.."

"Stop. Don't mention him anymore" riku closed his ears with his hand purposely.

"But nanase-san, kujou-san-"

"Iori!! Say his name again then i will bring you to the depth of hell i was born in" riku glares at iori. Not that it's scary...

"Fine! Don't show me that face again" iori hide his blushing face immediately. Riku pull away his face from iori as they arrives at the gate.

'This is where i saw the wall'

"Iori, have you ever see a wall here?" Riku asks softly. Iori turns to him in shock

"You.. You ever see the wall too?"

"Iori... You saw it too" riku says with wide eyes. The wind suddenly flow fast making them look up at the sky

"... Its already want to rain. Lets hurry" iori calmly say. Riku knows he means 'let's continue this talk inside'

"Please show us your card" the guard says. Iori let out a card and the two of them walk inside. Riku eyes meet with one of the guard eyes for a second.

'... Did his eyes turn purple for a moment..'

"Nanase-san, are you okay?" Iori snaps him out of his trance.

"Oh yes I'm fine.." Riku laugh nervously and open the door.

"Continuing from before, i saw the wall for a second when i went to the school the first time. I think nii-san and the rest member saw it too. When we talk together about it, otoharu-san our president came in and said the answer will come just when day comes after night. You boys will find out about it when the truth has been revealed.."

"... The truth has been revealed... What is the meaning of that" riku looks confused.

"Probably the time when the mystery has been solved. I don't know what mystery though" iori reply back.

"I met otoharu-san yesterday and he spoke something weird too. Just who is otoharu-san.." Riku says in wonder.

"That is a question even i can't answer. Otoharu-san is such a mysterious person" iori answer thoughtfully.

'I wonder what kind of person otoharu-san truly is..'

"Nanase-san, don't forget to explain you and kujou-san too" iori reminds him.


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