The danger and the portal

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"A deer...?" Riku says in confusion as he and the deer having a staring contest before it runs to the forest but stop to wait for riku

".. You want me to follow you?" Riku trying to ask, feeling stupid to talk to animal. The deer just keep silent but when riku walk towards it, the deer move again.

"Here goes nothing.." Riku runs to the deer following whatever it leads him to.

"Pant pant.." Riku stop once for a while to catch his breath. The deer stop running too.

"Are you pant really a deer?" Riku ask in shock. Well, it doesn't look like a deer with its white colour and fancy ... Thingie.

*a howling sound

".. What is that?" Riku says alarmed. He has a guess what is it but doesn't want to believe it.

He looks up at the sky and realize its almost dark. How long did they run?

He flinch at another howling and rustling, his heartbeat increasing. Sensing the bad situation, the deer start to move again.

"Wait!" Riku whispers as he try to run quietly following the deer. when they have to go across a river, Riku stops moving and his heartbeat stop beating for a second.

At in front of him, a purple colored wolf is standing there with its cold predator eyes

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At in front of him, a purple colored wolf is standing there with its cold predator eyes. He shivers and try to find another road before accidentally step onto a tree branch


"... Growl " the wolf turns around and shows its teeth to riku. Riku can feels his body start to sweating and his heart beating rapidly.

"Are you my new food for today?"


"How brave of you to show yourself to my area, lowly beings" the wolf laugh and stand up from its spot.

"N-no! Stay away from me!" Riku shouts in fear. He backs away from the wolf and try to run to the other direction.


In front of him is a pack of wolf with its teeth waiting for him to come there.

'Oh my god... The door is lying.. What kind of adventure is this?!' Riku thinks ready to curses the door.

He looks around trying to find the deer and surprised to find him still in the same spot but somehow being ignored by the wolves.

"Don't move or it will be more painful when i eat you.. NOW! The wolf growls and jump to Riku.

'Someone please help me! I want to go home'


"Osaka-san, are you sure this is the right way? No one ever visits that library at all in the past.. Till nanase-san" iori says to sogo.

"I'm pretty sure the library is around here.. Ah! Its here" sogo points toward the old unused door.

"... Its look so old" yamato comments silently and adjust his glasses. Tamaki touch the door and look at his black hand

"...i never knew something can be Dirtier than my bedroom" he says in shock showing nagi his dirty hand.

"Is that something to be proud of?" Mitsuki says sweatdropping.

"Lets just go in.." Sogo end the bickering and open the door slowly.


The old door making a loud noise. The members slowly walk in looking around amazed. The library is silent with no sound at all.

"Where is riku-kun..." Sogo says in confusion looking everywhere with no sign of riku.

"Nee, why is this wall look so odd?" Tamaki speaks gaining attention from mitsuki.

"... Why are these bricks here?" Mitsuki say with confusion. He slowly bring out his hand to push the bricks inside again

"Nii-san, yotsuba-san.. Its time to go. Nanase-san suppose to be at the new library or maybe at home so we can go home now." Iori calls them out.

"Ah! Okay! Let's go tamaki" mitsuki put his hand back and run to catch up with iori.

"Wait for me!" Tamaki shout too not forget to glance at the wall for a split second before closing the door leaving the library in absolute silence again with no one knowing riku is behind the wall almost facing death on his own..


Back at the forest,

Riku closes his eyes at the wolf before he feels light at a sudden.

"What..?" Riku opens his eyes finding him floating on air and move so fast to the East following the running deer.

*wolf howling angrily

".. Thank you" riku says to the deer gaining a nod from the running animal. They run to a small path and stopping In front of a stairs..

 They run to a small path and stopping In front of a stairs

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Riku float down to the ground and jump down. He looks at the stairs and glance back at the deer. The deer moves its neck to the stairs, silently saying to riku to go in there

'.. Another secret path' Riku walks to the stairs and walk up realizing the trees and flowers getting thicker and crowded (idk how to say it)

Riku closes his eyes and keep walking towards the thick flowers surrounding him when he suddenly fall down to the... Floor?

"ITAI! What the-" riku looks back and freeze when he see a portal closing leaving a cupboard wall... His cupboard wall.

"This is.. My house?" Riku looks around confused. Riku suddenly coming back to his house.


"Don't tell me! The portal is the cupboard?" Riku says out loud walking towards the cupboard once again and inspect it. There was a portal there just a second before.

"There is nothing here.... Except this greek word.. Is the greek word the key to go to the portal?" Riku mumbles in confusion.

'.. But.. That is a hell of adventure'

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