the new world

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Chirp chirp

Riku pov :

Weird, why do i feel so light with some force around me. A loud yell from nagi and tamaki make me open my eyes 

"W- WHY ARE WE ON THE AIR???" I look around in shock as the seven of us fall through the sky. My eyes brighten when i realized where we are

"The world i went before?" I say to myself as i see the surroundings full of trees and greens. Different from the city

"COCONAAAA!!!!! (I almost write corona)"

"We are going to die!!" Mitsuki yells with pale face.


In a second, a big bird catch all of us and soar to the sky. Its happening too
fast even iori can't talk anything.

"A bird?? Did the bird just save us?" Sougo softly rub the bird's blue and green feather 

"I NEVER SAW A BIRD THIS BIG!" tamaki yells in disbelief. First, a door talked to them. Second, they just fall from the sky and third, a fricking giant bird suddenly appear and save them?

"This make no sense.. Is this an illusion? A dream? Iori, pinch me" mitsuki asks getting a hard slap from his brother.

"ITTAI!! I said pinch not slap!" 

"Anyway, Where is this..." Yamato looks around amazed. Waterfalls, mountains, everything is just... Nature and fresh.

"??" The leader squints his eyes suddenly and points toward a place

"Isn't that the same wall we saw?"

Everyone turns to him and look at the place where his finger pointed towards. Indeed, a giant wall stands strong and tall from left to right. They can't see the inside of the wall at all

".. You are right, this is the wall we saw in front of the school building!" Riku exclaim still remember it vividly.

"Do you think we can go check it out?" Nagi asks gaining one scared look and 6 doubtful looks. One question in everyone minds

Is it safe?

This is not their world and who knows what danger awaits them. Checking out the most suspicious thing.. Isn't it too dangerous?

"... Ah! That building. Lets check that" riku points toward an abandoned church in the middle of the forest.


"Is that a church?" Mitsuki stares at the old building in front of them. The building looks so old almost want to fall 

"Is that a safe place..?" Tamaki shivering, thinking what if the building fall down when they are in it.

"I will go in" riku says curiously and prepare to walk when iori stops him with a glare.

"Nanase-san, explain to us first. Where are we?"

"I don't know? I only come here once" riku reply and continue walking inside. Nagi glance at him in wonder

"You came here before?"

Riku nods "yes, i met a deer and some wolves"

"Wolves?!" Everyone else eyes widen in fear. Riku nods and slowly open the wooden door, emitting a loud creaking sound in the silence forest.

Slowly, the seven of them walk in and looking around at the inside of the building. It is a church, the room is surrounded with 7 glass window that have pictures in it.


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"... This place looks so old.. I wonder why is it not used anymore" mitsuki silently say as he look at the dusty and ruined chair.

"Probably they moved somewhere-AH" yamato reply, accidentally tripping something.


"..nikaidou-san please be careful" iori scolds him, yamato laugh embarassed

"What did i trip anyway?" He stands up and look behind. A book is laying on the ground near him. He picks up the book and read the title

"Hm?? Is this a fantasy world?"

"Fantasy world?? If its possible, i will already meet Cocona~" nagi shrugs in disbelief.

"Yeah, but the title say Legend Of Orynx I which is basically this weird place name right?" Yamato points toward an abandoned map beside him.

Nagi picks up the map and blow the dust away, unfortunately the dust is directly going to yamato.

"Cough, cough. OI you dumb otaku, don't blow it here" yamato glares at nagi but got ignored as the blonde man walks away from him.

"Ooooh, iori. This may be useful to us" nagi waves the map in the air.

"What is that rokuya-san?" Iori grab the map from nagi and open it. Riku and mitsuki peek from behind.

"The Map Of Orynx" the three of them say it outloud.

"So this world name is Orynx. Weird name" mitsuki comments.

"So we are at the White Church right?" Riku points toward a small icon of church in the corner of the map.

"We are at the white church in the Lost Forest. The nearest place we can try to check is Flynn Village. We can ask for information there" iori closes the map again prepared to go.

"Nee, iorin~"

"Just when i wonder why he is so quiet.. What is it yotsuba-san?" Iori turns around.

"This book content is cool" tamaki says showing them the book that yamato tripped

".. Yotsuba-san, are you reading?!"

"EH?! Tamaki-kun is reading?" Sougo turns so fast. Nagi and yamato clap amazed "oooh..."

"Tamaki, are you sick? How do you feel?" Riku approach him worried.

"Is this the end of the world?! Wait, we are in the other world now" mitsuki realizes.

"Mouu, Don't make fun of me!! Anyway, this book content is amazing" tamaki glares at them offended.

"Amazing? Why?"


"Well, our name is in it, that's why"

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