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"Okay, thank you for joining us, riku. Its already... 7 PM. I think its time to finish up this meeting. Don't forget you will immediately transfer to idol school in 2 days" yamato claps his hand while talking to riku.

"Yes, i understand. Do i need to live in the dorm too?" Riku asks. Yamato turns to iori who nods his head

"Apparently yes. Its to make our meeting easier too"

"Okay, its fine by me. Then i will excused myself now before it gets too late" riku says earning a series of good bye from the members.

He stands up and waves at them before closing the door.

"Then let's us lea-   iori, where are you going?" Mitsuki stop his word when he see his brother open the door.

"I will go to the toiler for a second. You can go first, i will catch up later" iori says

"Don't forget the curfew at 9 PM!" Mitsuki shout at his brother as the door closes.

"Its weird to see iori-kun go to the toilet this late.. Usually he goes in the morning or evening then wait until at the dorm" sougo thinks. Tamaki laugh and hit sougo's back a couple of times ignoring the said man death glare

"Sou-chan, you are too sensitive! Iorin can pee when ever he wants"

"Its hurt tamaki-kun"


Riku pov :

I slowly closed the meeting room door and walk to the corridor away from the meeting room. Before going home, there is something i need to check..

"Where is it.. Ah its here" i softly say as i look at the familiar old door in front of me. Its the old library door

"No one is here right?" I mumble softly.

I glance at my surrounding before going inside it slowly to not make any noises.

The door creaking a little as i let a relief sigh when i finally walk inside. I turn around and look at my surrounding

".. I'm back again." I mumble

"Nothing change.. But its sure is scary when its night"

I immediately walk to the left side and search for the brick wall. Ah, there it is. In the corner of the library

No one pov :

Iori closes the door and go to the same direction as riku. He has a feeling riku is hiding something.

"The way back home is in the left but nanase-san turn right.." Iori says frowning and slowly peeking to see riku keep walking further away from the exit way

'.. Where did he go?'

Iori keep following the oblivious red haired boy before hiding behind a wall when the said boy stop and look around.

"No one is here right?"

He can hear riku mumble softly. After a short moment, iori peek out again seeing riku opening the old library door slowly. The creaking sound breaking the silent night

".. The old library?" Iori look at him confused but immediately stopping the door from closing completely.

He peek inside seeing riku walk to the left side of the library searching for something. He quickly slip in and tip toed to riku.

'.. What is he doing to the wall?'

Iori stares in shock when riku push all 3 bricks to its place and the wall start to opening showing a path.

'What is this?! The school ever said something about spy.. Is he a spy?!'

He immediately walk closer to riku when the said man want to walk in the path


Riku flinch and turn around quickly looking at iori in shock.

"I-iori?! What are you doing here?"

"I can say the same way to you! What did you do to the wall!?" Iori ask with suspicious look.

"Are you the spy the principal always mention?!" Iori continued glaring suspiciously at riku. Riku gasp in surprise

"W-wait!! You misunderstood me!!!" Riku says immediately wide eyes. Spy? No one told him anything about spy!!

Sorry for just updating. I have a lot of exam so i don't have time to write stories and here i am!! Finally updating

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