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"So you and the famous kujou tenn is a fraternal twins. He left you and your parents when you are 13 years old then your parents left you too but have an accident resulting them to die. Shitty parents i agree.

You decide to go here to know his reason to left just to hear him said he doesn't like his parents and your sickness.

My brother came resulting your talk to stop and you leave with iori not forget to roasting him (saying speaking to tenn is useless).

Then you talk about the wall we all definitely saw and that is a hell of coincidence when its suddenly change into talking about the mysterious president, otoharu-san?"

Mitsuki says in one breath and pants trying to catch his breath.

"That is the singer that can hold long breath for you" yamato smirks looking at mitsuki amused before turns to riku

"But the fact that you can saw the wall too must have some connection with us. Tell me riku, what did the president say to you?"

"He said something about me being the seventh.. And the sakura tree at the park has dark past" riku says trying to remember.

"The seventh.. It seems i was right about you. I already have some suspicion so its not a surprise anymore though" yamato says chuckling.

"What suspicion?" Riku asks curiously.

"The suspicion of you being our last member"

"Me?/what?/you kidding me/oooh/i knew it!/ unbelievable" all of them say in unison.

"First is your red hair and eyes. Second is the president actually speak to you first no the other way around. Third, he said you are the seventh. And the last is you saw the wall just like all of us" yamato points it out.

"Isn't that great! You can move to the idol side fast and easily" mitsuki says excitedly.

' we will have a new member?! Yay~" nagi cheers and highfiving with tamaki

"I already found a voice recording of nanase-san singing in the past" iori says showing a file named "nanase voice"

"E-eeeh??? When? How? Are you a stalker?" Riku moves away from iori out of fear.

"Rude, I'm not a stalker. Its actually easy to access your phone with no password at all" iori rolls his eyes silently laughing at riku's phone safety.

"Don't tell me... You guys already hear it?!" Riku shout turning to the members. They all avoiding his look except tamaki who gives him a thumbs up

"Your voice exceed our expectations"

Riku face palm at this and groan. "Then.. How is it?"

"The recording sound actually pretty small and distorted but we know you have a good vocal. It will bring positive reaction to our idol group" iori answer.

"Idol? I'm sorry but i have no intention to become an idol. I will be a successful businessman and make a lot of money" riku proudly say.

"Nanase-san. Do you know idol make more money than businessman?" Iori asks him making riku turns to him fast.


"Let me repeat, idol makes more money than businessman... And get free omurice from nii-san" iori repeats his word.

"Eh?" Mitsuki turns to iori surprised.

If you look closely, There seems some sparkles in riku's eyes

"Let me join then! For money i will be an idol!" Riku says determined. The others sweatdrop

"He is so easy to bribe"

"But can we continue this talk on Monday? I still need to go to the library" riku says realizing his real reason coming here.

"Oh sure, do you know where is the library?" Sogo asks him knowing the boy sense of direction is kind of alarming.

"Of course! I have a map inside my phone just in case" riku says showing them his phone.

"Then see you on Monday, nanase-san"

Door closed

".. Did he know there is 2 libraries? The old one and the new one?" Iori asks the rest.

".. Oh.."


At the corridor,

Riku is walking towards the library with his eyes on the phone. Its already 5 PM so no wonder no one is here anymore.

"Ah, is this the library?" Riku stares at the rather small old door. Isn't the library suppose to be big?

"M-maybe the inside is not that bad" riku trying to assure himself and open the door. He peeks inside finding the library looks old and worn out with so many old books and papers on the ground.

The red haired boy walk inside slowly when the door closed on itself loudly

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The red haired boy walk inside slowly when the door closed on itself loudly. Riku jumps at the sound

"... Maybe there is a valuable information somewhere here" riku says softly and looks around the rather small room.

" the first holy war... The second one.. The holy beings origin.. What kind of books are these?" Riku says in shock. The books all looks like a fantasy book.

At the end of the library there is a brick wall with 3 of the bricks are off from its place.

"Ugh, i can't stand not to push it inside" riku walk closer to the wall and push the bricks to its place.



The wall suddenly open making an entrance to a long dark corridor. Its look like there is no end at all

"Isn't this suppose to be in movies and story book? What's next? A secret door to the another world?" Riku pinch himself, its not a dream.

He turn on his phone flashlight and walk inside as the wall closing on itself. Where did the passage end to?

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