The Stage Problem

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"Ohayo riku" aristia greets him brightly. Riku Greets her back and sit down on his seat.

"Ohayo, why are you so happy today?" Riku asks her. The girl's smile get bigger before she scream


her scream make touma awake from his sleep and some girls in class follows her screaming.

"Oh my fuccing God..." Touma groans trying to sleep again.

"Is it today..?" Riku asks. Iori said they will discuss my idol job today.. But now they will have a concert?

"You will come right?? Right??" Aristia begs riku with tears in her eyes. Riku sweatdrops but nod

"Y-yes, i will come with you" riku agrees.

"Touma, you want to come?" Aristia asks the sleepy boy. Touma glance at her and shakes his head

"Sleep is more important than human"

"Sasuga touma-san.."

"Geez.. No fun" aristia pouts. Riku laughs at his words and sit down when the teacher comes in.


"Riku, are you done yet? The stage will start in 1 hour. So we will arrive there when there is still 40 minutes left" aristia says as she done packing her bag. The class is empty now, literally everyone go to see the stage.

"Yeah! I'm done. Let's go" riku reply and go out the classroom with aristia.

"Soo... How is your friendship with the idols? Did you meet them a few days ago?" Aristia asks him at their way.

"Yeah i met them. They are really nice! Also i met their president, takanashi otoharu" riku excitedly shares his story.

"Takanashi otoharu? Hum.. Is he smart and diligent? Or maybe saying wise words?" Aristia suddenly asks. Riku looks at her confused but answer

"I don't know if he smart or diligent but he did say something wise-like"

"Like what?"

"Um.. I actually don't know how to say it.. Why you ask?"

"Oh you know, usually old people like to say wise thing and other stuff so i just curious, is it true or not" aristia smiles innocently at that. Riku sweatdrops at her answer

"Haha.. What a weird thing to ask. Oh, and they also want me to be their last member then-

"WAIT WAIT!! WHAT THE F YOU JUST SAY?" aristia cut his words and shout in front of him.

"I said they want me to be their last member-


"B-because my voice is perfect for them and they always need one more person" riku answers. Aristia looks at him with wide eyes.

"... You will become an idol?"

"I- i guess so.."



" Od"


"I SAID OH MY FUCCING GOD!! HOLY SHHHT!! MY FRIEND WILL BECOME AN IDOL. A MEMBER OF MY FAVORITE IDOL GROUP" aristia shout so loud, riku can swear someone scream out of fear somewhere in the forest or outside the forest.

"Aristia, i can go deaf from your shouting" riku complains while rubbing his ringing ears.

"Sorry sorry but your dreams will finally come true!! I will support you don't worry! I will become your first fan so let me hear your first solo album when you have it!" Aristia says with a wide grin. Riku sighs in relief

"You don't even know if i will stay long or not" riku says chuckling a bit.

"Heh! I also have a surprise but lets leave it for now. The stage will start soon!"


Dressing room

"Is nii-san here yet?!" Iori asks the staff hurriedly. The staff shake her head confused

"Where in the world is he.." Sogo says softly. Their concert is in 30 minutes and the said boy still not arrive yet.

"Maybe he is stuck in a traffic? A lot of people will come here so he will stuck in a traffic" yamato says not helping at this situation. He literally making them even more panic than before

"Then we will perform only with 5 members?" Tamaki giving out suggestions. That earns 4 serious look from the others.

"No we won't. Idolish7 has 6 members with each of them has their own way to shine. Losing one shine making them look duller and boring. We can't perform with only 5 members.." Iori explain.

"Then we will cancel our stage?" Tamaki asks with confused eyes.

"We can perform without mitsuki-kun if there is a substitution" sougo says with bright voice.

"You mean.."

"Yes, Riku-kun can perform with us replacing mitsuki-kun for today!" Sougo says receiving relief and happy face from the others.

"Rikkun voice is good so the fans can at least paying attention to that"

"We can also introduce our new member to them. Let's just hope mitsu can arrive before we finish our stage so we can made up some reasons like he is the MC or something"

"Then I will call him now" iori says and open his phone immediately.

"Hello? Nanase-san? I have something important to tell you."

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