school disaster?

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i walk fast to the school just to see a huge black and elegant gate. i can't even see the inside..

'What the..'


a camera beeping above me and i look up to see what is that. the camera slowly scanning me and open the gate

"new student, name : nanase riku, general class : A, please go there"

i gasp as a voice coming through the camera.  how can a camera project a sound?

"you have 5 minutes before the class" the voice continued.

"ah, yes!" i answer and walk through the gate.

when i go through it, everything change. in front of me is a wide and big castle with fountain. my jaw drops as i look around the school like an idiot.

 my jaw drops as i look around the school like an idiot

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i look behind just to find the gate dissapears. huh? how come?

"what kind of school is this.." i say under my breath. i walk inside the huge castle and see a wide hallway with corridors and stairs.

 i walk inside the huge castle and see a wide hallway with corridors and stairs

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"oh wow..." i walk towards the stairs and see a huge picture hanging in the center.

"... sakura tree?"  i mumble confused but still amazed at the picture before something bump straight into me making me fall into the ground


"aaaaah I'm so sorry! oh my god.. what have i done.. are you okay?"

i open my eyes to see a girl with purple hair and red eyes look at me worriedly.

"I'm okay, thank you" i reply smiling. the girl sigh in relief and help me stand up

"nice to meet you, my name is Aristia. I'm the daughter of the owner of this school" the girl introduce herself gracefully.

"ah, my name is riku. I'm a new student in general class A" i introduce myself too, a little embarrassed because i am not a rich person

"OOH riku!!! nice name by the way. I'm in class A too! you must be a genius if you don't have any background but successfully got to Class A." aristia say with a knowing look

"well not that smart.. oh right! we must be late to class now!" i exclaim. aristia eyes widen and running while holding my hand.

"oh shit! today is Mr.Graspel subject! hurry!" aristia shout as she runs faster.


"good morning everyone. today i will-


the innocent door suddenly open by force as A girl and a boy run inside the class. in the front is Aristia with her already wild purple hair from running and in the behind is riku trying to catch his breath. everyone look at them immediately

"... You again !? Miss Esperaldo. how many times i have to tell you to not run in the hallway!" Mr.Graspel say with sigh. some students giggles at that

"ehehee, sorry but i bring the new student!" aristia shout as she points toward me. one thing that i hate.... is attention. good thing i wear my glasses so i can pretend to adjust it.

".... Nanase riku.. i presume?" Mr.Graspel look at a folder and glance at me.

"y-yes, my name is nanase riku.." i reply ignoring the looks from others.

"okay class. this is your new student. his name is nanase riku, hope he doesn't have the same wildness like Miss Aristia" Mr.Graspel smirk at his own words. what is that suppose to mean?

"now choose your own seat" the man points toward the students. but before i could go and choose anything.. aristia pull my hand and let me sit beside her.

"you and i will become a best friend so we have to sit together!" aristia say with a shining eyes.

"a-ah.... okay" i reply with a nervous smile. honestly? i never have a wild friend like her. i glance at my right to see a brown-red haired boy with serious look playing with his pen. his  hair seems shining from the sunlight while his eyes show coldness. he must be so popular...

speaking of popular, i can feel almost all girls in the class glaring at me when i want to speak to the boy.

'okay.... so that boy is out of my to be friend list' i think with a sigh. aristia snickers beside me

"don't speak to him or you will get attacked by some tigers"

"tiger??" i ask confused. aristia points toward a girl that wear lipsticks with black eye shadow. she also wear fake eyelashes with thick make up

"... looks like a clown" i mumble to myself before a loud laugh accidentally coming from Aristia mouth making Mr.Graspel glares at her.

"one more chance, Miss Speraldo"

"yes sir" aristia answer still holding her laugh. i thought no one hears me but that proved to be wrong

"sorry" i whisper to her getting a thumbs up from the girl.

"Mr.nanase How did Greek architecture influence Roman life?" Mr.Graspel question startled me as i quickly stand up

"T-the Roman Empire's origins were sometime around 500 BCE, and it lasted a very long time, until 476 CE. Roman artistic traditions drew their inspiration from Greek models.The Romans, like the Greeks, carved both free-standing statues and reliefs that were commonly used to decorate temples. As one last example of Greek influence, Roman reliefs, mosaics, and paintings very commonly had Greek mythology as the central theme" i reply automatically.

"ooooooh" my classmates clap their hand at my answer and Mr.Graspel nods sastified. i immediately sit down and adjust my glasses shyly.

"you are a genius" aristia say and pat my back hard.

"o-oof! thank you" i manage to say. after rubbing my back i glance to the right just to see the cold boy smile at me

"good job" he say and look back to the teacher.

'Ohhh he talks to me..' I thought. maybe the school is not that a disaster?

I peek at his book and look at his name

Inumaru touma

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