The past

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under the sakura tree, we stand beside each other with a smile on our face. yes.. its just like the beautiful sky..

"our bond will always connected.. no matter how far you are, i will always reach and search for you.. Riku" he reach towards my hand and hold it gently. A black wings spread behind his back..


who are you...

don't leave me alone...


another scene appear showing people die and fighting with each other.. clashing their sword. i run everywhere searching for him as i shout his name loudly.

there he is.. standing alone with a red sword piercing my mom's heart with a girl beside him. he looks up at me with cold eyes and say

"such an idiot brother to believe in love"

I couldn't move.. i couldn't speak as i let my heart break into pieces. tears slowly flowing down my cheeks as i stares at him betrayed

"... why"

he looks at me

"for my plan"

I scream in despair loudly as it reaches the sky. Hoping it reaches someone.. begging for help. suddenly a binding light shines from the sky looking like a gate open.

time stops as a man with silver long hair flying down to the ground as he touches my forehead. I know him.. He is God.

"Your crying is full of feelings.. I can't stand and be quiet when my own subjects crying down in the earth."

".. Let me have my revenge.." i softly say with a desperate look. God smiles at the answer and help me stands

".. is it what you truly want? i can't feel your feelings"

"... tell me, where should i go? to the left where nothing is right.. or to the right where nothing is left" i ask him desperately.

"child, your sin is you decide to choose a man different from your kind. i don't have any choice than to punish you. you and the boy will always meet every time your reincarnated and will meet the same ending too.. unless you fix the ending of your own story"


i closes my eyes at his words as i feel a sword piercing my heart. for a moment i can see his eyes.. sad and heartbroken

"farewell... Tenn"

I stand there watching everything happen with confused eyes. As i want to walk back, i see the man that killed 'me' start to grab his sword again.

Before i can think... He kill himself, ignoring the crying girl screaming beside him.

"G-gomenasai... Riku"


and in every life
we fall like stars
into each other skies and we dream our way
into each other's destinies


Riku pov :


i groan at the sound of alarm and try to turn it off. the sound finally stop ringing.

"ugh.. its still 6 in the morning"

i stand up and let my ruby eyes blinking to make the drowsiness disappear.

"what a weird dream..." i mumble thinking back about the long and weird dream. i immediately go to the bathroom and prepare myself. today is the first day of the school after all.

my name is nanase riku. a new student (first year) at Rose Academy. the private and high rating school just for rich kids, and genius people but most important is... It has an idol course too! Not that i want to get in there.

i am not a rich kids but i have a smart brain so i guess it counts. i don't have any parents anymore, they left me when i still 6 years old but i don't miss them. who will miss such an irresponsible parents?

But.. I remember the most important someone in my life. He left me 5 years ago and i want to know his reason.

as i walk out my small apartment, i can see a lot of sakura petals floating down around me.

as i walk out my small apartment, i can see a lot of sakura petals floating down around me

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"such a beautiful flower.... ah, its already this late!" i gasp when its already 7.15. the school start in 7.45 so i have to hurry.

This is my story of searching for my brother and the mystery surrounding our life

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