the other side

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"Come riku, look" tenn says pulling riku towards him. Riku turns to him confused

"What is it tenn-nii?"

"One day, i will go beyond the wall to the real world" tenn says as he points towards the scenery in front of them.

"One day, i will go beyond the wall to the real world" tenn says as he points towards the scenery in front of them

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Riku turns around and stares at the scenery before smiling.

"I will follow you even to the end of the world" riku says and pinky promise with tenn.

"The two of us will always be together.."


Riku opens his eyes and sit up. Its the second time his weird dream comes back again.

"Why are tenn-nii and i.. In my dream" he mumbles as he rub his throbbing head.

"I will go beyond the wall"

"Beyond the wall... The wall.. What is the wall?" Riku mumble to himself feeling weird all over his body.

'I.. Ever heard that words before'

"Gomenasai.. Its not the time yet" a voice appears inside riku's head.

Suddenly he opens his eyes again finding himself just wake up and still laying on his bed.

"What just happen..?" Riku wipes his cold sweat and try to catch his breath.
Cough cough

Door opens

"Gasp, Riku-chan!! What happen to you!?" His Neighbor that always check him everyday, Rika-san runs to him and grab his inhaler giving it to riku.

"Huff.. Huff.. Arigatou rika-san" riku says tiredly. Rika looks at him concern

"... If you have any nightmare, you can tell me you know.." Rika softly says. Riku nods and just lean on her motherly comfort.


Riku walks in the class seeing his new friend talking to the cold boy inumaru touma.

"Riku!! Ohayo" aristia greets him.

"Ohayo" touma glance at riku and greets him too

"Ohayo, aristia.. Touma-san" riku greets them back. Aristia then moves closer to riku

"A little birdie said someone bumps into an idol yesterday?"

Riku eyes widen "an idol? You mean iori?"

"Gasp! Izumi iori?! Omg, you met him? Did he give you his bread?" Aristia grab riku's shoulder and shake it back and forth


"Sorry, but today we will go visit the idol building!! Let's check it out and give your gratitude to izumi iori." Aristia say accepting no objection then go back to her seat.

"I will go too" touma suddenly say. Aristia nods her head excitedly.

"Yeah sure!"

'I never know they knew each other. They looks so different' riku thinks and chuckle at the difference between aristia and touma..


After school,

"Riku!! Hurry!!" Aristia shout with touma standing beside her. Riku runs to them as they walk together to the idol school. You actually have to walk a mini forest path before arriving at the school.

"I wonder why they made the building so far from the general one.." Riku says as he avoid a tree branch and bushes.

"Umm, not all people can go there actually. Its a good thing touma is a student there" aristia says. Riku looks at her confused


"I'm an exchange student from idol to general. Its not permanent" touma reply to riku.

"Oh.. And touma-san can make us go with him?"

"Yeah, we are his friend after all. The staff will check you first then we can go in" aristia answer. Touma moves some thick bushes away.

For a second riku see a big wall around 12m spread from the left to right before he blinks and its change to a big building and a silver gate in front of them.

"Are...? I thought there is a wall.."

"A wall?" Aristia looks at him confused. Riku realizes he accidentally think it out loud and shake his head

"Its nothing"

"Oi.. Let's go" touma speaks up.


"State your name and business here." A purple haired guard walks to them with serious face

"Inumaru touma, a student here. They are my friend want to meet with izumi" touma says before whispering something to the guard's ear.

"Hm.. Okay. Please come inside" the guard let them in without checking at all.

"They are not checking us?" Riku asks touma. The said man shakes his head

"If you are trustful enough then you can let them not checking you at all"

Touma finishes his words and open the giant door revealing a wide hall, bigger and more elegant than the general one.

"Oh wow..." Riku looks around amazed.

"Its your first time here?" Aristia asks riku. Riku nod his head

"I'm a new student so i never really comes here. How about you?"

"I have come here plenty of times~ most of the time is to play with the guards" aristia says with a laugh. Riku doesn't know if she serious or not..

"Then we will split up here" touma announces.

"Eh? Where are you going?" Riku asks him.

"Just a meeting with an important friend and help her with school work" touma reply and waves his hand going to the left with aristia together.

"Bye bye riku!! See you tomorrow!!"

"... Aristia, you are following him too?" Riku mumble confused. His friends are weird

Riku turns back and keep walking following his instincts. When he pass some doors, he can hear a piano playing.

" Its sound beautiful but sad.. Who is playing it?"

Riku walks to the source of the piano and peek from the window.

'!!! You..'

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