The Book

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"Our names are inside of this book, its so cool" tamaki says showing them the old book. Everyone freezes looking at tamaki with wide eyes

"Our names are in it? Are you sure tamaki-kun" sougo asks frowning. Tamaki nods surely

" the angel met with the devil and they became best friend. The angel named riku and the devil named Tenn " tamaki read one of the paragraph loudly for them.

"The angel named... Riku? And the devil named tenn?! Its literally the same name huh"

"But why did kujou-san's name in it too.." Iori frowns feeling something weird from it

"Tamaki lent me the book"

nagi exclaims as he steal the book and flip it to the next page ignoring the offended look from tamaki.

"oh look at this, Mitsu & iori the dog sibilings decide to help Yamato in his adventure at saving the fallen angel, riku. Even though riku did a big sin, yamato couldn't leave his friend behind" nagi reads out a part.

The others listen intently. How can their name is inside it? It doesn't make any sense.

"This book... The Origin of Orynx. Ne, give me that book" iori says to nagi.

The blonde man reach out his hand when a black thing fly passing them making the book fall to the ground.

"Wha- rokuya-san! Above you!!" Iori shouts seeing the black thing is indeed an eagle. The bird launch itself to nagi only to pass him a little bit and take the book away from them.

"AN EAGLE?!" mitsuki shout in disbelief

"AH! The book! GIVE IT BACK" Tamaki glares at the bird and shouting words to make the bird give it back.

The eagle glares at tamaki before trying to peck him on the head.


"Tamaki dodge it!" Mitsuki runs pulling the boy from the eagle.

"I thought my head will come off" tamaki whispers with a pale face. They hide behind a wall trying to calm down their breath.

"What in the world just happened.. My age will become shorter if i meet this kind of things again" mitsuki says breathles.

"Ah-- Yamato-san! Throw these to it" riku open his palm showing a lot of rocks on it. He got it in the corner of the church.

"If you have a plan, better do it now!" Sougo yells to them trying to avoid the eagle. The damn bird is pecking on them non-stop.

"Just try it, nikaidou-san! At least distract the bird from us"

"Onii-san doesn't know how powerful this hand is but" yamato picks out a piece of rock and aim it to the eagle.

"Better try it before too late!"


the rock successfully hit the eagle but it seems to be angry at them. It open his mouth and fire starts to coming out.


"I KNEW IT! THAT BIRD IS NOT A NORMAL BIRD" tamaki yells while running away. Iori beside him rolling his eyes

"Coming to this world is not a normal thing already, yotsuba-san"

"Stop being a smartass in this situation, iorin" tamaki scoff at him hiding behind a rock, iori follows him.

Pant   pant

Riku runs and hide behind a bookshelf breathless. "Oh no.. Cough cough i can't get an attack in this situation!"

He lean back to the shelf accidentally bump into a book making it fell down


. Riku kneels down to pick the book up when he realizes the book title can be helpful to them.

"This book is a Sealing Book!"

Riku opens the book trying to find an useful thing but groan in frustration when he find the book has nothing written on the page. All the page is empty except the first page.

"What's with this book! Its empty!"


The ceiling above them cracking showing a little part of the sky. It can't hold he eagle's fire & power anymore

"Oi oi! The building won't hold this damn eagle anymore!" Yamato yells in frustration. The eagle blocks the way out so there is no where to go

"Sky is falling, star is shooting. Hear my command, o' demon from hell. As the twelve celestial spirits remain in the keys, protecting the earth from evil. I summon you! The king of lion, Leo!"

Riku reads out the book loudly from behind the shelf. He closes his eyes in fear when the eagle lets out a loud sound

'Please anyone help us!'

"Your wish is my command"

a male voice appear out of no where. Riku opens his teary eyes and realizing a magic circle appears in front of him. A man stands on it with a smirk.

"Such a big birdie to handle"

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