Chapter 32

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"Cam whats wrong with me joining my old dance team again? All i do is be a housewife. I need to get a job again. I need to dance." i said my eyes filling with tears.

"we will talk about it tomorrow" cam said harshly.

"no! whats wrong?" i yelled.

"ashley you cant" he said turning back towards me

"you've said that. why?" i said.

"your my baby. my princess and i cant go on tour without you" he said.

"why?" i asked.

"you know im an emotional guy and when i'm on tour, i'm not myself. everyone can tell you that. if your on your own dance trips, you couldnt come with me" he said.

I smiled so big leaning down to kiss him.

"your adorable cam." i said.

"I hate being this sensitive because i'm the boyfriend and i'm supposed to be strong and-"

"shhhh. i love my sensitive boyfriend. now go to sleep" i said.

i lay facing the opposite way of him.

"do you want to cuddle" he asked tiredly.

I flipped over and nodded facing him. he draped his arm over my waist, his fingers lightly tracing up and down my stomach.

they slowly stopped, becoming smaller and smaller each time until finally they stopped completly and soft snores escaped his lips.

I smiled at his cute little snores.

The next morning, i was up early and decided to make breakfast.

I made eggs, bacon, and pancakes. A few of the boys had stayed last night; nash, the jacks, matt and bryant.

I set the table and nat's high chair.

One by one, the boys came down the stairs for breakfast. The table was full considering there were 10 people where there are normally 4.

"Goodmorning boys" i said smiling bringing the food into the dining room.

"morning meg" they all replied.

"Wheres Hayes?" i asked curiously. He was the only one not downstairs.

Cameron came up behind me and bit my ear.

"It smells delicious" he said. "Cam, wheres Hayes." i asked again.

"Probably upstairs sleeping! I dont know" he said. pushing away from me.

"Cameron wait come here" i said pulling him back in for a hug.

I hugged him tight and kissed him.

God i could cuddle this boy forever and thats really all I wanted to do.

As I was hugging him, I felt his back burning up.

I pulled away a bit and felt his head. That was hot too.

"Cam! Youre burning up! Do you feel okay?" i asked running to get the thermometer.

"Not really actually but I thought it was because I just woke up." he said going to sit at the island in the kitchen.

I reached across and took his temperature.


"Go back to bed baby, youre sick" i said frowning.

He nodded and i walked him up and got him settled. While I was up there, I decided to check on Hayes.

He was coughing like crazy when I walked in and didnt look so good.

"Are you sick too babe?" i asked him as he nodded. I took his temperature.


"Both of my babies are sick" i said frowning.

I walked down the stairs to wear the boys were eating breakfast.

Gilinsky seemed to be falling asleep at his pancakes and matt was coughing like crazy.

I took both of their temperatures.

101.6 and 100.2

I sighed. "EVeryone is getting sick!" i said. "Boys, come with me. I'll take care of all my sick babies" i said, kissing jacks head, then matts. I led them up to two of the many guest rooms in our house

After showing them their rooms, i made sure everyone was comfortable. I went into our room where Cam was passed out sleeping on the bed.

I kissed his head and walked into Hayes room. He was watching Modern Family in his bed. I kissed his head and walked into where matt was staying.

He was sleeping too.

I walked into where gilinsky was staying. He lay there staring at the ceiling. I layed next to him and stared too.

"Like the view up there?" i said jokingly.

He laughed slightly.

"Can't sleep?" i asked.

He shook his head. "too much on my mind. on top of that, i feel like shit" he said.

I nodded sadly. "It sucks, I know" i said frowning.

I gave him some nyquil and walked back downstairs to where the remaining, non-sick boys were (nash, johnson, shawn and bryant) . They were all watching tv and playing with Natalya.

"who wants to run some errands with me? I have to go to my aunts, so shawn youre coming to see aunt tina, go to the grocery store, go to the pharmacy to get these boys some medicine and go to the bank." they all looked at me blankly.

"I'll buy you chipotle" i sighed laughing as they all jumped up to find their shoes.

I went upstairs and kissed my sick boys goodbye.

First was to my aunts. Me and Nash sat in the front seat, then shawn and Natalya sat in the seats behind that, then bryant and johnson sat in the very back.

I pulled into my aunts long driveway. When i got to the top, the boys piled out and I got out natalya out of the car seat. My aunt only knew me, nash (because of cam), shawn and natalya. hopefully she wasn't overwhelmed.

We walked into the house.

"Hey guys!" aunt tina said.

"Hey auntie tina! This is jack and bryant. Some of my and cams friends." i said smiling. She greeted them

"wheres cam and hayes?" she asked.

"Cam, hayes and two other of our friends are at our house right now very sick so i brought these boys for my daily activities.

After that we went to the grocery store. The boys made many snapchats and were very immature. Me and Nash left them while we actually shopped. Nash held Natalya and was making her laugh and showing her everything. He was being really adorable with her. It made me majorly miss cam.

after all that, we went to the pharmacy and got my boys some medicine. Finally i got the boys their chipotle.

"Woah," shawn said nudging me while i was ordering.

"What??" i asked.

When i turned around, i couldnt unsee it.


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