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.Few Hours Earlier.

The buss stop at the port where they're going to aboard a ship to reach the Island they're going to stay for this field trip. It took two hours before they reach the Island.

When they dock on the port Chuuya had pulled Dazai so that the taller one won't get lost. With them was Atsushi and Akutagawa. Both were busy maneuvering their phone like frenzy. Actually the real reason why the two were furiously typing was Vanessa had texted them that she'll bribe them a huge a amount of money if-

If they took lots of pictures of Chuuya and Dazai alone.

Which was actual alright with the two. Atsushi had been telling Akutagawa that even Vanessa was fanboying the two. It made the dark haired teen sigh but agreed.

As they walked towards the rest house they're going to stay, everyone didn't expect to see a mansion like rest house. some whistle even the teacher and some squeal that they're going to have a picturial and so.

But the question was, who owns the place?

"Good Evening," Everyone turn to the person who speak and see someone wearing a Butler's outfit. "Are you the person assign to them that Our mistress said?" Asked the Butler again but this time to the chaperone.

The teachers nod making the Butler smile at them. "There are four floors here. The first were nessessary things were build, second were the entertainment center and the third and fourth were bedrooms. Please come in and settled down," the Butler said before opening the double door and revealed the finest of the place.

There was a large portrait of a family member that caught everyone's attention. Their eyes never leave the portrait and the Butler noticed it. It made him chuckled as he speak.

"That the Mistress family. We were told that Both Madame and Lord were at France while the Mistress herself were staying somewhere at the City while the owner of the mansion was already deceased." Everyone shiver because of the last part.

"Isn't that looked like Nakahara Vanessa?!" Someone asked loudly that made everyone's attention fallen on the girl before the boy on the portrait. The Butler nod. "Indeed. Lady Vanessa request to welcome you all here since the Mansion were never been usesd. I was also told that Sir Rimbaud's son join this trip is he here?"

Everyone turn to Chuuya who was actually in form of them. Dazai looked unfaze while everyone drop their jaw. The Butler looked at Chuuya before tearing up. "Oh my... Your much beautiful than the last time I saw you, Young lord Chuuya." Chuuya went stiff as everyone's gazed had fallen on him.

"You were so little when Lord Rimbaud and Lady Vanessa brought you here." Said the butler delightly. Chuuya smile as little. "So this is Dad's mansion? I was never informed about this and all, as well, I thought this was supposed to be the school principal's private island or something,"

Chuuya's tone filled with humor but his eyes were filled with tears. He can't believe it. His auntie never discuss anything to him. He didn't know that he got a whole mansion to search information about his father.

The butler sigh saying his sorry as his young master cried. "Actually, your not allowed to step at this place if you haven't reach twenty. It was Lady Vanessa's rule to never let you step here that's why this place was seal from outside. But the mistress felt that you want some answers she broke her words and let the school occupied the place for a week as a gift for the Graduating students." The butler explain before telling them to head on the dining room where two long table were place and filled with tasty foods.

Dazai, Atsushi, Akutagawa and the other member of their group as well Oda and Ango join Chuuya while the others chitchatting. The Butler who was actually, Yuji, was with them all the time.

Chuuya looked up. "Yuji-san," he called making the old butler turn to him with a smile. "Yes, Chuuya-sama?" He replied smoothly. Chuuya motion him to come close where the group of teens had to looked at the old butler.

"You said earlier that you saw me for a long time. How long was that?" Chuuya's curiosity got the best of him. Yuji smile at the young man before patting his head. "A few weeks or so. Both young lord and mistress were twenty and eighteen so a year older than that. This is their retreat house dispite the size of the house. The Mistress was in her rebellious phrase that time. The two were happy having you here until they were found by your grandparents. It was actually hilarious how Madame Alexandra pulled the Mistress ears after giving them a false information about you."

The butler can't help but join their giggles. He's been working with the Nakahars for so long that even the two siblings he used to looked over was already grown up.

"This is the very room the first food war happen." Yuji said as he looked around like it was years earlier before. "The Mistress was so annoyed that The Madame forced her to study while eating and the mistress being a little hothead back then throw a cake on Madame's face. The horror of us watchers felt because of apologising, the mistress laugh at Madame in an ummannered way which forced the Madame's to throw food at her. The was the first time we seen Madame smile so wide while she throws food at the mistress. And as a punishment, the mistress had to clean the place which she accepted without a word except, 'You'll never get to change to see that Old woman smile, this is a win-win,' even back then, the Mistress was already a high spirited kid with a bundle of undying energy. And to think that the mistress send you here to learn about her and your father was actually sweet. Chuuya-sama, remember, every nook and cranny of this place were filled with memories. The beach, basement, rooftop, garden everywhere. If you can see the ghost of the past I'm sure all of you will be awe on how lively this household was when there was two goblins housing this place."

Yuji wink at Chuuya before calling the maids to clean the room. Everyone who listens to the story Yuji told them awed as they looked around and found lots of evidence of how often used the place were.

That night, everyone settled. Their bedroom had two beds and so that they could share the same room. Girls to girls and boys to boys. Of course, our Dachuu ship was in the same room. After all, no one can even get near at Chuuya without getting stab countless times by Dazai's dark glares.


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