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"Happy Valentine Everyone!!!"

Dazai yell with a huge grin plastered on his face before clinging at Chuuya. The ginger male was annoyed. "Dazai, its still two days far before the very day. Aren't you a bit excited?" He mocked making the brunette pout.

"Your so mean, Chuu-chuu~" He cooed before hugging him tight. Kouyou only smile at the brunette. "Alright, alright. Get a move on. You kids still have a class." She said while clapping her hands. Chuuya frown and turn to her.

"Ane-san, Aunt Vanie? Is she spending her holidays with us?" He asked curiously. Kouyou cant help but bit her lips. She didn't really like seeing Chuuya with a sad or even disappointed look.

"She was held by lots of paper works by her boss." She said carefully. Chuuya only sigh. "I see. She's busy." He said with consideration before smiling. "We're off now, Ane-san." He said to her before heading out.


"Nakahara-sama," Chuuya turn and saw group of girls stopping him. Beside him was Dazai, Atsushi, Kyouka and Akutagawa. The ginger frown but still face those girls.

"Yes? What is it?" He asked. The girls giggle at Chuuya's cuteness that they didn't saw how Dazai's expression darken. "Here." said the girl in the fisrt line. The girl who shamelessly called Chuuya without stuttering.

The three bystanders gulp when they saw how dark the brunette's expression had become as well how the atmosphere turn from light and cheery to dark and gloomy.

Chuuya being dense and oblivious didn't notice Dazai leaving. Though, the three bystander saw everything. Dazai left without a sound. Like a ninja. Moving in the shadows like a thief ready to strike.

Kyouka turn to Atsushi and Akutagawa with a frown mixed with a worry looked. "Dazai-nii is jealous." She mumbled lowly before running off. Following the jealous brunette.

Meanwhile, Chuuya sigh tiredly as he coax his expression to be soft and not irritated. "I'm sorry. I really didn't planned on going out." he said softly. The girls were almost at the verge of cry. Why? because Nakahara Chuuya didn't hesitate rejecting a group of girls. The girls bit their lips but still give their prepared chocolates to Chuuya before running off.

Atsushi and Akutagawa watch amused. They thought that Chuuya would picked one on them. After all, those girls were quite famous because of their beauty yet, there they saw Chuuya rejecting them.

As Chuuya put the chocolates on his bag he sigh and frown. "Where's Dazai and Kyouka?" He asked wondering. Atsushi gulp while Akutagawa stayed stoic. "Ah.. They left." said Aku. Chuuya only sigh before slipping his other hand on the other sling.

Atsushi being a curious person, turn to Chuuya and speak. "Chuuya? Why didn't you decline those chocolates?" He asked curiously. Now the attention went to Chuuya who smile softly.

"Ah, Its rude to decline after all. And I know a certain Mackerel with a huge sweet tooth." He said softly shocking the two who stayed silent before they all head out.


Meanwhile, Dazai sulked on the rooftop. His mind had been consumed by dark and shitty thoughts about Chuuya dating someone this incoming event. He hated it. After all, our brunette mackerel was inloved with the dense ginger ever since they're kids.

Thats why Dazai was much like a leech clinging to Chuuya. He was possessive over the short ginger. So when Kyouka arrive at the rooftop and saw how much the brunette sulked she only chuckled.

"Dazai-nii? We should go back down now." She said while walking over thr brunette and settled beside him. The brunette huff. "Your the one who should go back, Kyouka." He said in a matter of fact tone.

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