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The crowd was louder than before. Lots of students shout their bias name. Chuuya felt uncomfortable beside Kyouka. Sure he loves his sister yet both him and her had diffences. Chuuya cough a bit catching Kyouka's attention.

The girl frown. "Are you alright, Brother?" She asked unsure if she would hold Chuuya ot not. Chuuua only shrugged. "I'm fine. I'm going down now–?!"


Chuuya and some of the participant whos near to them was startled. Kyouka pout while wearing her angry yet cute face making Chuuya sweat drop.

Kyouka pout harder and gripped Chuuya's sleeve tighter. "Your not going anywhere. We did this together of course were gonna end this together. Brother?"

Kyouka state sternly before grinning as she raised her small fist. Chuuya only rolled his eyes, before smiling and raised his own fist at Kyouka's.


"Siblings." then they bump their fist together.

The two grin happily. Even if they wouldn't win, the two were happy. Everyone see those brother and sister encounter. They cant help but awe at the two.

The School Sweetheart cough, after the long wait, she's finally gonna announced something. There was an uproar from the crowd when the drum rolls start.

Everyone was tense until... "The winner is..." drum roll again.. Everyone felt anxious. The school sweetheart chuckled easing the tension on the crowd before...


Everyone was silent until Dazai cheered loudly causing everyone to break on their loudest cheer. Chuuya and Kyouka was dumbfounded. They were given an awards as well congratulate by the Judges and teachers.

Both were offer to join the music club but Chuuya decline. After all, he just want to do music on his own. After them being greet, Chuuya was tackled on the ground by Dazai.

It caught the ginger off guard as he heard Dazai laugh at his neck. "I'm so proud of you, Chuu-chuu!" Dazai whispered yet Chuuya heard it causing him to blushed bright red.

Dazai continue to hug him while giggling. The two didn't mind those eyes looked at them. Aftet all, they missed this activity. The activity of hugging each other for everyone could see that they're not actually enemies even if they bicker as one.

"Chuuya is so sexy up there~"

Dazai cooed before letting go of Chuuya. The ginger need time to process those words and when his mind did, Chuuya's face turn red that can make a tomato jealous. Dazai only giggled at Chuuya who hit his head before pinching his nose making him yelp.

Everyone saw that encounter which shock them. Those two were more like a couple than both Generals on different side of Army declaring for a Fourth World War. The two's interaction was actually kind of cute. And everyone can help but smile at the two acknowledging their weird friendship dynamics.


"That was a blast Chuuya!"

Tachihara said with glee. They were currently at the garden eating of course. Chuuya chuckled at that complement. "For real guys, I was actually trembling back there." Chuuya shyly admits making everyone snort.

"Yet you rocked the crowd." Rampo commented making the Ginger snort before turning to Kyouka. "Me and Kyouka had done it countless times." Chuuya mumbled yet everyone heard it and turn curious..

Kyouka smile and nod. "In every family gathering, Brother well always rocked them by his singing skills. I only knew about him playing because, his room back at Tokyo were very bare. There was no instrument lying everywhere." Kyouka admit making Chuuya snort and everyone raised their brows at.

Chuuya sigh and turn away. "Dad smashed my guitar after hearing I went to some street fight. Ever since I was forbidden to hold instrument." Chuuya admits. He really hate that day. Oh its awful. His saving on that guitar was scattered.

Everyone was silent. There was a heavy tension on the air that was making everyone zip their mouth. Though the tension air was broken then Chuuya's phone rang. Everyone turn to him as Chuuya picked up his phone and snort.

Kyouka frown. "Who's calling you?" She asked worriedly. Chuuya turn to her and smile. "No one." He said before calling off. Everyone watch as another one call. It annoyed Chuuya and angrily picked up the call.

"WHAT?!" Chuuya hissed making everyone flinch. They watch as Chuuya's face turn angrier. "No way in fucking hell bitch." Chuuya hissed and everyone can hear the angry caller roared at the phone. They shiver.

Chuuya clicked his tongue annoyed before the atmosphere turn dark startling everyone. "And what? You already kicked me out—Huh? You damn idiot bitch! Tsk. I don't care. I'm never going back in that damn hellwhole. Tsk. Do as you fucking pleased, I dont fucking care."

Chuuya hissed before ending the called. It was silent for a while before Chuuya got up. Kyouka and everyone was startled. "Brother–"

"We're not going back to Tokyo, Kyouka. Never." Chuuya said darkly making Kyouka shut up. Chuuya cussed. "Brother, what happen?" Kyouka asked tamely. After all, Chuuya was at the edge or ripping someone's head.

Chuuya sigh trying to relax. "Dad got into an accident. Mom said we should go back–Kyouka do you really wanna go back?"

Chuuya asked calmly yet Kyouka know him better. Kyouka shook her head. She really didn't had a good memory back in Tokyo. The only memory she got was how her dad was nice to them when their a kids and while growing up, Kyouka witness her brother's pain while helping her get out of her own punishment.

Kyouka trembled startling everyone. "...N-no... Please... No more..." Chuuya's cold eyes soften after how his sister react. Kyouka was tearing up while holding her bunny tighter. "I dont wanna go back... Not there... Not there.."

She mumbled yet enought for everyone to  hear her fear. She was scared and Chuuya knows it. Chuuya then pulled his sister on a hug while stroking her hair. "Shh. Dad's not here... He cant hurt you.." Chuuya whisper softly, calming Kyouka's trembling body.

Everyone saw as Kyouka breakdown. They never saw her cried. Chuuya only comfort his sister and He knew that Kyouka will fall asleep sooner or later. When his chest suddenly turn heavier, Chuuya only smile and carefully carry Kyouka bridal style.

Everyone saw Kyouka's angelic sleeping face they cant help but awe. "Dazai?" Dazai smile after Chuuya called him. "Call Ane-san and told her to picked us up." He order.

Dadai frown. "Are you skipping?" He asked. Chuuya nod silently. Dazai only sigh and called Ane-san and told her that it was emergency. After that call, Chuuya thanked Dazai before grabbing Kyouka's bag and run off.

Dazai sigh as he watch Chuuya run away. He knew that something is wrong with the the ginger. Because, the Chuuya he knew, was never the one to picked up fights if it didn't involve his own being or Kyouka. Dazai knows it because it always happen to both of them when their kids.

So that day, everyone watch how Chuuya walked away and never turn to looked back at them.

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