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Yokohama, Japan

The ringing of the house telephone startled the teens who was studying on the living room. Their eyes turn to the telephone and sigh.

"Its very rare to receive a call from that phone."

Said the silver haired boy with a tamed looked on his face. His two companions agreed to him.

"Yeah, it seems like It's a family line or something.."

The handsome brunette with bandages wrapped on his neck and arms said while scribing on his notes.

The three of them sigh before they heard a hurried footsteps and saw their landlady. She neared the ringing phone and taken it as fast as she could.

"Chichi, its rare for you to call– wait their coming?! What?! He got kicked out?! Maybe something happen that didn't pleased him– oh... I get it. What time are they leaving?  Five huh... Alright, alright. I'll looked after the two. Yes. yes. Scold him if he picked a fight again. Alright. Alright. Bye. Uh-huh. He wont be rude to you if you didn't said something he didn't like. Tsk. I know the kid. Yeah yeah. Bye."

The three teens wonder why their landlady seems unhappy after the call and it was pretty scary before it change into happiness.

The landlady smile at them.

"Dazai? Atsushi? Akutagawa? You three had new two friends coming along. There were my sister's son and daughter. And well both were punished after the fight from some rich kid. Anyways please be nice to them and well don't anger the boy. Its not very a nice sight to behold of."

Said the Landlady. The three, Dazai, Atsushi and Akutagawa nod at their landlady. Not wanting to be in her angry side.

"Alright~ Kouyou."

Dazai sang making the landlady Kouyou sigh but smile.

"Alright. I'll be out for a while. I need to buy some groceries. If they arrive please guide them to the vacant rooms here."

She order before leaving. The three only sigh before continuing their work. There thoughts where the same. 'Troublesome, brat'.

The three sigh again.


"Tsk. You really need to learn how to fight, Osamu."

"No need. I got you to beat the bullies for me, Chuu~"

"Tsk. Idiot."

The ginger grumble while the brunette only laugh at him.


Chuuya woken up and that same dream as before keep repeating on his mind. The train stopped at the same time and he had to wake up the sleeping Kyouka for them to move forward.

Kyouka groan yet didn't protest and immediately stood up with Chuuya's help before taking both their luggage with them and ride a taxi to their final destination.

The Ozaki Residence.

It was a huge mansion that their Aunt Kouyou thought of allowing only picked students to rent. She was kind of lonely with out Chuuya and Kyouka thats why she thought of letting a picked students to rent.

Chuuya paid the taxi driver and help Kyouka taken out their bags before standing infront of the huge while gate.

"The mansion looks lively!"

Kyouka squeal making Chuuya chuckled. He too turn to now lively garden and smile.

"Maybe Kouyou hired a gardner."

He said before punching the password in before the gates open. The two freely enter and wonder around the front garden with a smile.

"I missed helping her plant."

Kyouka suddenly mumbled. Chuuya only hummed as he pulled their bags.

Not long, they arrive at the front door and rang the bell. They waited and waited until it open. Kouyou was the one greeted them. The elder didn't hesitate to jump on both Kyouka and Chuuya before hugging them tight. More like squeezing them to death.

When Kouyou let go she chuckled.

"Come in~! I made your favorites and I got some people to introduce to you two."

Kouyou said while smiling beautifully at the two. Chuuya and Kyouka smile back before entering.

Kouyou made the two leave their things in the living room before guiding them to the dining room where three teenagers were watching them.

Chuuya and Kyouka yawn cutely. They were way too tired to even notice the people beside Kouyou.

"Please take a seat."

Kouyou said politely. Chuuya and Kyouka sat side by side. Kouyou saw the tiredness on both teens and some of bruise on Chuuya. She frown.

"Chuuya? Did you get that on a fight?"

She asked and heard a gasp in surprised but she ignored it and focused her attention to the bruised boy. Chuuya looked at his hand then sigh.

"Nah... Its the punishment. Its alright. It didn't hurt anymore."

Chuuya said tiredly yet smile at Kouyou. The other ginger haired, sigh. She was angry on what his own sister had done.

"Ane-san? Dad said were should go in a school here. Did you happens know one?"

Kyouka asked softly. The Three who only listen to them while they eat looked at them. The three meet's Kouyou's eyes before it turn back to those ocean eyes.

"Yeah. And I already enrolled you two."

She said. Kyouka hummed before turning to her food. The pushing of chairs took everyone's attentions.

Chuuya got up and yawn.

"I really hate ditching you guys, but my body is beat." 'Literary' he added on his head as he excused himself and retired to his bed.

Kouyou frown and turn to Kyouka.

"Say dear, How was Your brother's conditions?"

She asked making Kyouka sigh and looked at her sadly.

"Its bad. He taken even my punishment. Daddy beat him up."

Kyouka said sadly. Kouyou's eyes darken. To her, Chuuya was precious but if her own sister hurt Chuuya she cant help but wanna ripped someone's head off.

"Is your brother get getting involved in lots of fights?"

She asked again. Kyouka shook her head no.

"No. The worst fight was the caused of him being kicked out. He beat the bully half dead after ripping my doll."

"Oh my.."

Kouyou gaps. She knows not to get personal with Chuuya. And ripping that Doll was like digging your own grave.

Kouyou only smile sadly.

"I see. I'll talk to him tomorrow then."

Kouyou said dismissing her talks with Kyouka and enjoy her meal as well the others.

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