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As expected Chuuya get scolded by his Mother and Father. His parents were very angry at him. Not just that he cursed but also got kicked out as well beat a rich kid.

Chuuya receive several punishment. Yet the ginger didn't regret it. Kyouka only feel guilty at what her brother experience. She was currently helping him clean his bruise while apologizing. Chuuya only chuckled as he pat her head.

"Stop. Its alright. At lease your didn't had to be scolded."

He said kindly before his expression turn sour at the pain he felt. Kyouka only sigh and help him.

"I'm really sorry. Please rest okay?"

She mumbled softly. Chuuya chuckled and nod before going under his blankets.

"You too. And thank you."

He said before closing his eyes. Kyouka watch as his brother fallen sleep faster than she thought before heading out and into her room. Immediately cuddling with her fluffy bunny and fallen sleep.


Next morning came fast. Chuuya woken up later than usual. After all his body was beat from both parents wrath.

Getting up, Chuuya hissed from pain and looked at his watch. Fri. 10:42 am. Was written making him groan and take a shower even with his sore body. After fixing himself, Chuuya found hinself facing his mother and father as well Kyouka. Which is very unusual.

The ginger frown and taken the seat beside Kyouka. They were silent for a while before Chuuya breaks it.

"Why are you two still here?"

He asked rather rudely. His mother glare at him yet Chuuya only rolled his eyes before glaring at her. Triple the intensity.

Chuuya's father cough catching the mother and son's attentions. Mr. Izumi sigh before speaking up.

"Chuuya your gonna stay with your Auntie Kouyou. Same with you Kyouka. You two will join a University there. Both of you will leave later tonight."

Said Mr. Izumi sternly making the two frown. Chuuya clicked his tongue annoyed and pleased before standing up.

"Its better there, than here."

He said sternly before walking away. His mother glare at him.

"Chuuya you brat! Get back here!"

She yell as loud as can yet it never went pass to Chuuya's ears as a loud slammed of the door silence her.

Kyouka turn dull. Her eyes turn lifeless before she pushed her own cereal and left the table with her bunny and head straight to her room.


"Stupid house! Stupid parents! Stupid school! Urgh! Goddammit!"

Chuuya collapsed on his bed after packing everything he had. He was glad that he will live with his Auntie and was happy to finally leave this hellish house yet— he hated the fact that both his parents can easily pushed them away.

He hated it. Ever since his a kid. He know his mother never really like him and when his biological father died thats when hell breaks lose. Chuuya was beat by his own mother and learned how to defend himself from it.

Then after she got re-married to Kyouka's father and had a sapling and its Kyouka. The beatings eased. Yet Chuuya was chained with responsibility as well house chores.

His second dad is a bit abusive but sometimes nice. He hated them both on how they act goody-two-shoes infront of everyone while a monster infront of both Chuuya and Kyouka.

Thats why Kyouka was really close to Chuuya for Chuuya was the only person who comfort and protect her.

A knocked pulled Chuuya out of his thoughts. He sigh and got up before opening the door. He didn't even know how much time passed because, Kyouka was now standing infront of him with her traveling bag.

Chuuya smile and let Kyouka in. "I'm so excited to meet Aunt Kouyou again!"

She squeall happily. Chuuya had to agreed to that. He prepared his Aunt to be his mother everytime. His aunt was so caring and overly protective. Not like this insensible mother they had right now.

"Yeah, Hope we never get to leave on her care."

Chuuya said that Kyouka heard. Kyouka agreed. She too prepared to be at Kouyou's  care. After all, she was the one who rised her and Chuuya.

Chuuya then tap Kyouka's shoulder snapping her out of her thoughts. A shy smile blossom on her face as she hugged the bunny tight.

"Come on. We need to leave."

Chuuya said kindly before pulling Kyouka's traveling bag with him. The two then leave the house with the pocket money their Dad given to them.

Both of their parents were gone. Like always. Leaving the two siblings on there own. Chuuya then hailed a cab and told the driver to head on the train station before getting in with Kyouka and both of their luggage.


"Its so cold tonight, Brother."

Kyouka mumbled while trying to get more heat by rubbing both of her hands together. Chuuya who watched her only sigh before pulling her towards him. Chuuya open his over coat and let Kyouka in before wrapping it on her too.

Chuuya wasn't a tall guy, but a he was ahead taller than Kyouka. The two wait for their train to come until it rain. Chuuya cuss before pulling Kyouka from the aboarding Flatform and to the seats not far from where they where earlier.

Kyouka snuggled up more at Chuuya's warmth since it got colder than earlier. Chuuya shiver and hugged Kyouka tighter.

"Damn train taking so long."

Chuuya cuss making Kyouka chuckled. She looked up and smile at Chuuya.

"Lets snuggle while we wait okay?"

She offer earning a scoff from Chuuya and a playful glare.

"Really? Yet your already snuggled up."

He teased making Kyouka smile and snuggled up for more.

"Because your way too warmth for my own liking. And I never get the chance to snuggled up with you ever since you turn middle schooler."

Kyouka puff her cheeks only for Chuuya to pinch it.

"Heh~ are you perhaps jealous~?"

Chuuya teased and Kyouka stacked her tongue at him. It made Chuuya rolled his eyes yet smile.

"So Childish."

He mumbled at the exact time their train stopped. Chuuya immediately pulled Kyouka inside the train even if its raining heavily and settled down a seat far from the door.

"Here." Chuuya said while handing Kyouka a handkerchief to wipe her face. Kyouka taken it and thanked her brother before wiping her face.

They stayed silent for a minute before Kyouka once again snuggled up at his brother's warmth. Chuuya checked his sister and found her sleep. He sigh yet let her sleep on his lap.

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