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Days passed and well, the boarders at Ozaki Residents were enjoying their lives living with Vanie. The blond girl pretty much spoil them all. Well right now, everyone was waving goodbye at Vanie. She was called by her superior to investigate a case which annoyed Vanie more than anyone.

Vanie wave her goodbye as she rode her dashing motor bike. "I'll try visiting~ please wait for me~!" She yell and wink at them before putting her helmet and drove off. Kouyou chuckled when she saw the kids looks.

"Its fine. I'm sure she'll visit. That girl maybe genius but she's pretty much of a lazy ass. She'll be back in no time." She assured making everyone nod and head inside.


The day of the play had finally came. Chuuya was stressed out not liking how his make up were. He sigh annoyed before taking the make up kit from the person assign to it. "Chuuya?" The girl asked confused. Chuuya sigh.

"Just go somewhere. I dont need you." he said. Before taking of his cloths and washed his face carefully. The girl only sigh before leaving the fuming teen alone.

Chuuya grumble as he wipe his face dry before changing again. He had taken off that weird blond wig and take the ginger one hanging on the wall. Chuuya knows the world of make up, after all, he live with Kouyou and well, she teached him everything.

Chuuya carefully apply the wig before he proceed in his make up which is only light. Like how his Ane-san taugh to him.


Dazai was now in his costume as well dashing in it. Some of the girls staff nose bleed over that. Dazai smile handsomely before winking at the girls. Kukinida only rolled his eyes and spot the make up artist assign to Chuuya. He frown and talked to her.

The girl explain that Chuuya didn't like her make up and order her to leave. Kunikida was about to explode yet everyone saw Chuuya stepped out in his dress and ginger long hair? Chuuya looked perfect and beautiful.

Everyone, girls and boys was left gaping at his beauty. Chuuya rolled his eyes and glare at them. "The blond wig didn't suit me and ot reminds me of someone." He said and shiver when he remember his beloved Aunt Vanie.

No one makes a comment about it except complements.


Inside the auditorium where they set up the play, it was filled with lots of students. Kunikida and the others were surprised at how much students came.

Chuuya watch everyone with a sigh while Dazai stand behind him. "Chuu~ looks so beautiful~" he cooed making Chuuya blushed and pinch his cheeks. "Yeah? Mackerel?" Chuuya said annoyed while stretching both Dazai's cheeks.

Making the brunette tear up yet smile. When Chuuya let go, he was fuming. It was so cute that make the brunette hug his friend. Chuuya was now blushing badly and was about to hit Dazai when their director called them to go on position.

The two sigh before separating.


As the play start, everyone gasp to see how beautiful Chuuya looked like. Like a true Goddess of the Celestial world. Men falls for his beauty while girls envied him.

The play continue till the end that captured everyone as a dazzling Dazai came and kissed Chuuya to break the cursed of the evil Witch. Everyone cant help but blushed at how the two looked so perfect.

Like even law of gravity cant defy them. When Chuuya open his eyes, there everyone seen something that they never see. Love, trust and admiration. When the Play ends the crowd explode with a loud cheers.

Everyone thanked them. Kyouka who was in the crowd had been filming the whole play.  Grinning when she saw her brother run while his face were beat red. She cant help but chuckled. besides her was Atsushi and Akutagawa who had been taking pictures of every triggering part.

Atsushi cant help but squeal silently and give Kyouka a hi-five. Of course Kyouka knows about the 'DaChuu' shipping. She shipped them too.


After the play, Kunikida thanked them. The play actually earn high amount of money. Thanks to this two. Dazai and Chuuya. When Kunikida dismissed them, the ginger immediately sprinted and went looking for Kyouka.

Dazai on the other hand sigh. He planned on taking to Chuuya about the KISS yet the ginger obviously avoiding him. It made Dazai groan as he went off to looked for Atsushi and Akutagawa.


Chuuya had been blushing this whole time. His fingers keep tracing his lips after that soft passionate kiss he and Dazai had earlier.

Heart beats fast and face turn red as tomato. Chuuya went to his room and gather his things. He already texted Kyouka to meet up on the school front door.

As Chuuya dash out he accidentally bump to someone. Looking up, Chuuya blushed more as Dazai help him up. On the eyes of the brunette Chuuya's blushing face made him cooed mentally. After all Chuuya looked beautiful while blushing.

Chuuya cough before speaking. "D-dazai? What are you doing here?" He asked dumbly making him cursed himself. Dazai knows it was a dumb question yet he went along with it and smile.

"Ah, I was looking for Atsushi and Akutagawa. Were gonna enjoys the fair." he said cheerfully. "Ah, they were with Kyouka. Lets go together?" Chuuya offer even his heart was ready to leave his chest. Dazai chuckled and nod.

Soon both walk away side by side and the kiss was forgotten as they start to bicker and that awkward atmosphere had been wrapped to them had vanished.

Oh my, what a day.

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