Chapter 8

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Third pov

"Wendigo is a Cree Indian word. It means evil that devours." (y/n) said, showing her dads drawing to Haley and Ben.

Dean came over, something in his hands. "They're hundreds of years old. Each one was once a man. Sometimes an Indian, or other times a frontiersman or a miner or a hunter."

"How's a man turn into one?" Haley asked.

"Well, it's always the same. During some harsh winter, a guy finds himself starving, cut off from supplies or help." Dean started.

"He then becomes a cannibal, eating eating other members of his camp or tribe so he won't starve to death." (y/n) finished. She smiled happily at Dean's proud nod.

Ben did not look excited at that piece of information. "Like The Donner Party."

Now Sam took over in the information department. "Cultures all over the world belive eating human flesh gives a person certain abilities; speed, strenght, immortality."

(Y/n) tuned them out a little as she skimmed over the pages of the journal.

"- You're always hungry."

No shit.

"So if that's true, how can Tommy still be alive?"

(Y/n) winced. "You're not gonna like it. At all."

Haley turned to look at the fiften year old. "Tell me."

"A Wedigo hibernates for years at a time. When it's awake it keeps its victims alive. It's probably storing your brother some where hidden, dark and safe. And we gotta find it." (y/n) answered.

"And then how do we stop it?"

Dean took over. "Well, guns are useless. So are knives. Basically." He held up his hands to show what was in them. "We gotta torch the sucker."

Time skip

The walk through the woods would have been enjoyable if it wasn't for the Wendigo looking to eat them.

And of course, the bloody claw marks on the trees.

They stopped to look around. (Y/n) took a step closer to one of the marked trees when the bushes around them started rustling. Quickly she backed up again until she was standing beside Haley, gun ready in hand.

She was unprepared for Haley's scream and looked up to see a body falling straight towards her and the older girl.

She screamed and jumped out of the way, landing on her stomach and knocking the wind out of her.

Sam helped Haley up and Ben did the same to (y/n).

"Damn it, his neck's broken." Dean swore.

The loud roar coming from the trees had both the older Winchesters pushing the others and telling them to run.

(Y/n) tried to follow Dean but runming without tripping was diffcult enough, and when Dean skidded to a stop she collided with his back.

The last thing she heard was Haley scream as everything just went dark.

Time skip

Sam and Ben looked around the small cave they'd landed in when they saw their siblings hanging in a rope from the ceiling.

Both looked dirty and pretty beaten up but at least they're alive.

The problem came once they got them down and they realized that (y/n) wasn't with them.

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