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Later the same day the siblings checked in at a motel and Dean herded his youngest sibling to one of the beds to take a nap. A decision that was evidently needed as (y/n) fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

"Does she seem more tired to you? More than usual, I mean." Sam asked quietly, taking care not to accidentally wake his sister up. 

Dean shrugged. "She got put through the spirit blended, I don't blame her. Besides, she's a growing teenager. They get tired." He pulled a blanket over (y/n) as he spoke.

Sam conceeded defeat and dropped his bag beside the other bed. "Alright, I'll go through the rest of the books. Grab the newspapers, will you?"

The two of them worked through everything they'd checked out from the library at a steady pace, only stopping once or twice to get coffee and a snack. Once done with the books, Sam moved on to searching the internet for anything that could help them figure out what happened to the Shoemaker patriarch. 

Dean put the last newspaper down. "I've read through these twice now. No Mary." 

"Let's stop for the night." Sam suggested. "I haven't found much useful either." He closed his laptop and got up.

"Yeah, time for a good, long rest." Dean stretched his arms up. "You can take the bed." He eyed the sleeping form on one of the beds. (Y/n) hadn't moved since she laid down for her nap, and he wasn't about to wake her up.

"Alright." Sam kicked his shoes off and crawled onto the bed, clearly more tired than he was willing to admit as he fell asleep fast, leaving Dean to pick up some of their research that had fallen on the floor.


Sweat dripped down her back when she woke up early in the morning, disembodied voices clinging in her head for a few seconds before she registered where she was. (Y/n) took a deep breath before sitting up to look around. 

Sam laid on his back spread like a starfish and Dean had curled up on the couch. She was a little surprised Dean hadn't woken up as soon as she did. The guy had a sixth sense for when she had nightmares. Today she decided it was better he didn't, it gave her a moment to pull herself together.

The power thing inside her moved around, gracing over Sam and Dean before settling inside her again. While it was a freaky feeling, knowing and feeling that nothing was wrong helped her breathe easy.

"You good, munchkin?" Dean's hoarse voice asked from the couch. Big brother senses alerting him that one of his siblings needed him. (Y/n) almost chuckled at the thought.

"I had a nightmare." She said. "I'm fine, I just need a minute."

She could see him sitting up and motioning for her to come over. As soon as she did he hugged her. "Want to talk about it?" He asked.

It was a sweet offer, but (y/n) shook her head. "No." She could barely remember it anyways, just faded voices slipping further away with every waking second. Dean accepted the answer and simply moved to let her sit comfortably. "What time is it?"

"Three AM. Want to try to get more sleep? Would be good if we aren't all sleep deprived for the case." Dean joked. 

Falling asleep was easier than she expected, and when she woke up it was to the smell of eggs and bacon. For a moment she laid still, staring at the ceiling. Her eyes traced the odd stains and dubious blend of colors. They had definitely stayed in better places, but a warm bed was a warm bed, and they had work to do. She tipped her head to the side and found Sam sleeping, still spread out like a starfish but he had clearly been awake and moving since he had changed clothes.

"Breakfast on the table, munchkin. Want some coffee?" Dean gestured with the coffee pot once he saw she was awake.

"Yes please." (Y/n) yawned.

A nice cup of coffee after a dream filled night, and a hearty breakfast was a good way to get your spirits up. "Did you guys find anything yesterday?" 

"Nope. Not a single thing." He sighed. Then he tossed a few newspapers her way. "Feel up to re-checking these?" 

She swallowed the last of her breakfast and grabbed the papers with one hand, the other hand gripping her cup. The newspapers had no valuable information. That was obvious by the sixth one, but she kept reading until Sam woke up with a start. 

Sam took a few deep breaths. "Why'd you let me fall asleep?"

"Because I'm an awesome brother." Dean said, lowering his own newspaper as he spoke. "So, what did you dream about?"

"Lollipops and candy canes." Sam deflected. "You find anything?"

"Besides a level of frustration I never reached before? No." (Y/n) said. "We've gone through everything. Twice. Sure, there were two suicides in front of a mirror, but their names we Laura and Cathryn, not Mary."

Sam dropped back onto the bed. "Maybe we just haven't found it yet."

Dean shrugged. "I've been searching for strange deaths in the area. You know, eyeball bleeding, that sort of thing. There's nothing. Maybe whatever we're looking for just ain't Mary."

(Y/n) wondered if he was right. They had been at it for a while now and there wasn't any clues at all that helped them in regards to a possible Bloody Mary- Her thoughts were interrupted by Sam's phone ringing.

Hope you liked the chapter :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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