Chapter 15

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Third pov

Getting into the warehouse was relatively easy.

The plane pieces were spread out in the room and Dean pulled something out of his pocket.

"What's that?" Sam asked when he saw it.

"It's an EMF meter. Reads electromagnetic frequencies." Dean answered.

"Yeah, I know what an EMF meter is. But why is it looking like a busted up walkman?" Sam eyed the thing.

Dean, proud of having put it together with (y/n), answered. "Because that's what it's made of. (Y/n) and I made it."

Sam nodded slowly. "I can see that."

They checked the plane pieces.

The sight of the door handle on the emergency exit made them stop. The handle looked rough and rusted. Dean treied to scratch at it. "What is this stuff?"

"One way to find out." Sam used a knife to get some into a small clear plastic bag.


(Y/n) sipped the coffee she'd gotten from Jerry when she entered his office.

"Gotta be nice to have Sam back for a while." The man commented.

She nodded. "It is. I've missed him."

She had missed him, despite the feeling of betrayal when he cut her off. She still couldn't entierly forgive him for that, but she could admit that it was nice to have him around. Even if he was planning to leave eventually.

"Hey, we're back."

The winchester brothers entered the office, Sam holding up a small plastic bag. "Hey Jerry, could you check this out for us?"

Time skip

"This stuff is covered in Sulfur." Jerry told them once he was done examining the contents of the bag.

"You're sure?" (y/n) asked.

"Take a look for yourself." Jerry shrugged. "If you will excuse me, I have an idiot to fire." He left the room and they could hear him arguing with a worker.

Dean went around the table and took a look. "Not many things leave a sulfuric residue."

"It's demons. It's gotta be demons." The teen groaned.

"Well, it explains how a mortal man would have the strenght to open an emergency hatch." Dean said.

Sam nodded. "If the guy was possessed, it's possible." He patted his sisters back.

"But this goes way beyond floating over a bed or barfing pea soup. I mean, it's one thing to possess a person, but to take down an airplane? Have you guys ever heard something like this?" (y/n) asked, only recieving 'no' from her brothers.

Time skip

The books they'd picked up from the library didn't give much. Most of them were actually pretty useless, at least the ones (y/n) had read. She was glad they had the laptop's.

"So every religion and world culture has the concept of demonic possession. I mean, Christian, Native American, Hindu, you name it." Sam started.

"But none of them describe something like this?"

"Well, that's not exactly true." Sam continued. "According to Japanese belief, certain demons are behind certain disasters, both natural and man-made. One causes earthquakes, another causes disease."

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