Chapter 2

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Third pov

(Y/n) was still sleeping in the backseat when Dean pulled into the gas-station. Sam couldn't remember that she used to sleep so much. She finally started to stir as Dean came out with something to eat.

"Morning." She mumbled as she sat up.

Sam gave his little sister a smile. "Good morning."

Dean held up the chips and soda. "Want breakfast?"

Sam shook his head. "No thanks. So how'd you pay for that stuff? You and Dad still running credit card scams?" He continued looking through the cassets in the box currently on his lap.

"Yeah, well, hunting ain't exactly a pro-ball career. Besides, all we do is apply. It's not our fault they send us the cards."

"Yeah, and what names did you write on the application this time?"

Dean got into the driver seat and handed (y/n) a chocolate bar and a soda. "Burt Aframien and his son Hector. We scored two cards out of that deal."

(Y/n) couldn't decide if Sam looked like he wanted to smack Dean on the head or not. "Sounds about right."

"I swear man, you gotta update your cassette-tape collection."


"Well for one, they're cassette tapes, and two," Sam held up one of the cassets. "Black Sabbath? Motorhead? Metallica? It's the greatest hits of the mullet rock."

(Y/n) held back a laugh as Dean took one of them.

"House rules Sammy, driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole."  Dean put the music on.

"You know, 'Sammy' is a chubby twelve year old. It's Sam, okay?"

"Sorry, i can't hear you. The musics too loud." Dean caught (y/n)s eyes in the rearview mirror just as she began laughing.

Time skip

"There's no one matching dad at the hospital or morgue. So that's something, i guess."

(Y/n) perked up as she saw the cop cars ahead of them. "Look."

Dean stopped behind a cop car before turning to his sister. "You stay here."


"No buts, you stay here and keep an eye on the car."

(Y/n) pouted. "Can we at least get some fries and a burger later if i do?"

Dean ruffled her hair. "Sure can munchkin." He reached over to take the box they kept the fake stuff in and picked out two FBI badges.

"Let's go."

(Y/n) gave Sam a sympathetic pat on the back as she saw him looking at the fake badges.

Time skip

"What do we have?"

Sam sighed. "Currently? Nothing."

"We got the last victims girlfriend to talk to." Dean said as he parked the impala.

"While you two do that, I'll check out the library." (y/n) got out before either of her brothers could protest and began her search for the library.

"You're just letting her go alone?"

Dean shrugged. "Why not? She can protect herself, and besides she's gone alone to libraries in other towns."

Time skip

(Y/n) met up with her brothers later that night. A happy smile on her face. "I got some good news. I know who the ghost is."

Dean leaned against baby. "Want to share with the class? From what we got she's a murder victim."

(Y/n) shook her head. "Suicide not murder. Constance Welch, twenty four, jumped of Sylvania Bridge 1981. Drowned in the river."

Sam frowned. "Why would she kill herself?"

"One hour before they found her she called 911. She had left the kids alone in the bathtub a few minutes and when she came back, they were dead." (y/n) replied.

Sam patted his sisters back. "You did good. That's a lot of helpful information."

(Y/n) looked happy at the praise. "And another thing, the bridge she jumped from, is the same one we drove past earlier."

Time skip

It was dark outside when they went to the bridge again.

"So this is where Constance took the swan dive." Dean looked down into the water.

(Y/n) went along one side of the bridge, tuning out her brothers as she looked around. She already knew Sam wouldn't stay with them and she had no interest in poking that wound.

A woman dressed in white caught her eyes. "Guys?"

They didn't seem to hear her. "De? Sammy?" Now they looked over as well, just in time to see the woman jump.

The three of them rushed to the edge. "Where did she go?" The Impala's headlights turned on.

"What the-"

(Y/n) looked at her oldest brother. "Dean, who's driving the car?"

Dean just held the keys so the other two could see it.

They broke into a run as the car started chasing them. Sam and Dean pushed (y/n) in front of them. "Jump!"

(Y/n) did as told and jumped off the bridge, her brothers following after.

Vote and comment, it keeps me motivated :)

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