Chapter 3

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Third pov

(Y/n) tried to climb back up the bridge. "Sam? Sammy? Help me!" She felt her fingers slipping.

Just as she was about to fall she was pulled up. "I got ya, you're okay." Sam mumbled as he made sure she was okay.

"Where's Dean?" They both looked down to the water.

"DEAN? DEAN?" (y/n) frantically searched the water with her eyes in hopes of seeing her oldest brother.

"I'm fine." The two heard Dean say as he crawled up from the disgusting water.

"You okay?"

Dean made a thumbs up at Sam's question. "I'm super."

(Y/n) stood a bit from Dean as he checked the Impala. "Car alright?"

"Yeah, whatever she did to it it seems alright now. That Constance chick what a bitch."

Sam took a seat on the hood beside Dean. "She doesn't want us digging around that's for sure. So what's the plan now, genius?"

(Y/n) made a face. "We're getting a hotel room. Dean is in desperate need of a shower."

Sam laughed while Dean had an offended look.

Time skip

(Y/n) was surprised when they found out dad had a room at the same motel. Still, she let Dean and Sam take a look while she got changed in the room they paid for.

She was growing a little tired of constantly changing in different bathrooms while they were on the road.

When the teen was done she sneaked a look out the window and saw one of the cops that were on the bridge earlier getting closer.

Quickley grabbing her bag, she went to the bathroom window and opened it. She jumped out just as the door in the other room was opened.

As she ran into the woods behind the motel she got her phone up and called Sam.

"Sam. I had to run, cops came knocking."

"Where are you right now?"

"I'm near a road beside the woods. Where's De?"

"He was arrested, he told me to grab you and find Constance husband."

Just as he said that the familiar car drove up beside where she was walking. The teen quickly got up on the road and got into the backseat.

"Got an adress to her husband?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah. I'm thinking about going as a reporter."

"Sounds good. I'll stay in the car, no one will believe a teen to be an actual reporter." (y/n) said, fully intending to take a nap as he did the questioning. The last time she'd slept was about 48 hours ago.

Time skip

When Sam came back to the car (y/n) had curled up in the backseat. He decided to let her sleep while made made a 911 call to give Dean a chance to get out.

(Y/n) was shocked awake by something freezing cold passing through her and almost nailing her to the seat. She felt cold to the bone and damn it hurt. "S-sam?" Her voice was low but she could hear Sam saying something as the car was set into motion.

With weak, trembling fingers she tried to get the door open. She heard Sam scream in pain and saw the ghost on top of him.

She saw a shadow move outside the car and grabbed Sam's head to avoid him from getting shot by their older brother's bullets.

(Y/n) pov

When the ghost flickered Sam threw himself on the gas and drove straight into the house. The crash through the wall threy me forward and suddenly i laid in the front, one leg out the window and my head on Sammy's leg. "Ouch."

"Sorry, munchkin."

It took a few seconds for my head to realise the nickname he used and when it registered Dean reached us. "You two okay?"

"We're fine. Help me up?" I groan.

Dean opened the door and got me out before helping Sam.

My eyes stuck on the very angry ghost woman holding a picture in her hands.
Sam and Dean noticed her too, kinda hard not to really. Especially as she sent a dresser straight into us.

Third pov

Three collective groans could be heard as the dresser pinned the siblings to the car.

A dripping sound came from up the stairs and two small figures appeared holding hands. "You've come home to us mommy."

Within the blink of an eye they came down hugging their mother. (Y/n) felt an almost burning warmth going through her body as the three family members disappeared, leaving only a wet stain on the carpet.

Distantly she heard Dean threatening to kill Sam if his car had been ruined. A hand on her shoulder shook her out of the weird fog her brain felt like it was floating in. Dean and Sam gave her concerned looks.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Let's get outta here before someone else gets here." She plastered on a smile ignoring the look the two older siblings shared.

Time skip

(Y/n) had been vaguely aware as Sam said goodbye. Just a short while after she opened her eyes. "Something's wrong."

"What do you mean?" Dean looked back at her.

"We have to get back to Sam. Now!"

The urgency in her voice made Dean turn the car without question, heading full speed back.

"You stay here!" Dean went into the building.

(Y/n) could feel heat inside the building as fire burst through a few windows. She could feel it like she was in there. Problem was that she wasn't there.

She was outside. In the cold.

She shouldn't feel like she was burning.

She saw Dean drag Sam out just as the firemen arrived.

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