Chapter 5

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Third pov

(Y/n) plopped down at the table where her brothers had sat down.

"So Blackwater Ridge doesn't get a lot of traffic. Local campers mostly. But still, this past April, two hikers went missing out there." Sam began. "They were never found."

"Any before that?"

(Y/n) took over, pulling out a notebook. "Yep. Eight people vanished in 1982. Authorities said it was a grizzly attack."

While she was talking Sam started pulling out newspapers covering the incident. They'd found them while researching.

"And again in 1956, and another time before that in 1936. Every twenty-three years."

Sam opened his computer. "Okay, watch this. Here's the clincher. I downloaded that guy Tommy's video to the laptop. Check it out."

He pressed start and (y/n) could once again see the tall shadow going behind the tent. "See!"

Dean asked Sam to rewind and play it again.

Now that it was slower both of them could see what their sister was talking about.

"That's three frames. It's a fraction of a second. I'm impressed you saw it the first time." Sam said.

(Y/n) smiled at the praise.

"Whatever it is, it can move."

Dean bumped his arm. "Told you something weird was going on."

(Y/n) pulled out another paper from her bag. "Yeah, we have one more thing. A witness actually. One camper survived the supposed grizzly attack in '59. A kid that crawled out of the woods half dead."

Dean nodded. "Is there a name?"

"Yes. And lucky for you two i have an adress." (y/n) grinned and picked up her things, letting her brothers follow her.

Sam and Dean just chuckled and went after her to Baby.

Time skip

The man that opened the door looked very sceptic as they introduced themselves as two rangers and a student shadowing them.

He seemed to be even more sceptic and perhaps a bit uneasy when Dean asked about the grizzly attack.

"Look, ranger, i don't know why you're asking me about this. It's public record. I was a kid. My parents got mauled by a-"

"Grizzly? That's what attacked them?" Sam interupted.

The man stopped by the chair by the window.

(Y/n) could see the hesitation as he turned around.

"The other people that went missing that year, were those bear attacks too?" Dean took a step forward. "What about the people that have gone missing this year? Same thing?"

The conflicting emotions made (y/n) feel bad for the old man. "If we knew what we're dealing with, we might be able to stop it. Save others from grief."

The old man took out the cigarette from his lips. "I seriously doubt that. Anyways, i don't see what difference it would make." He sat down with a heavy sigh. "You wouldn't believe me. Nobody ever did."

He looked so done. Defeated.

"Mr Shaw, what did you see?" Sam sat on another chair beside him.

Dean and (y/n) stood beside him.

Mr Shaw studied them. Then he spoke. "Nothing. It moved too fast to see. It hid too well. I heard it, though. A roar. Like no man or animal i've ever heard."

"It came at night?"

Mr Shaw nodded at the question.

"Got inside your tent?"

Something lit up in Mr Shaw's eyes. "It got inside our cabin. I was sleeping in front of the fireplace when it came in. It didn't smash a window or break the door, it unlocked it. You know of a bear that can do something like that?"

The three siblings shared a look.

"I didn't even wake up until i heard my parents screaming."

"It killed them?"

"Dragged them off into the night. Why it left me alive... Been asking myself that ever since. It did leave me this, though." He moved his shirt, showing big scars made of very sharp claws. "There's something evil in those woods. It was some sort of demon."

Dean and Sam got ready to leave. (Y/n) placed a hand on Mr Shaw's arm. "I can't promise anything, but we'll do what we can to get your parents and everyone else justice."

When she reached her brothers they were talking about what kind of monster they're dealing with.

"(Y/n) what do you think?"

"Fast, a killer, silent, can open doors, has claws and eat in cycles. I'm holding on to the Wendigo idea here."

Time skip

While Dean and Sam were preparing the weapons (y/n) went into a public bathroom in a 24/7 gas station in wiev of the car.

She changed into a pair of black jeans, a warm blue hoodie and combat boots.

When she came back the tension that had been coming from Sam's new "shoot first ask later" felt about ready to snap.

The teen wanted to groan. At least dad wasn't there to make it even worse.

Time skip

When they pulled up to where they're supposed to enter the woods, they found that Haley, Ben and their guide got there before them

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