Chapter 13 Phantom Traveler

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Third pov

They settle down in a hotel a little more than a half day after the Peter Sweeney case.

(Y/n) is strictly forbidden from carrying anything and promptly sat by the small table in the room.

"Don't think I didn't see you run on that foot." Dean told her when she protested. "Sam and I are getting everything, then I'm cheking your foot before we have a conversation about your new psychic powers. Okay?"

The teen had twisted on the chair, looking like she debated the option of jumping out the window and running away.

"Okay." She finally answered.

Dean ruffled her hair, completely ignoring her swatting at his hand. "Your not in any trouble. We're just worried." He turned to go get another bag, stopping when she grabbed his hand. "What is it?"

(Y/n) glanced at the door, just to see that Sam hadn't come back yet. "Don't- don't mention Jess. Please."

With everything that had been going on the last few weeks, Dean had almost forgotten about what made him turn back towards Sam's place.

"I won't. I promise." He assured her.

As soon as they'd gotten the bags inside they sat down, Dean taking (y/n)'s shoe off to reveal a very much bruised and swollen foot. The good thing was that the bruises were more green in color. Dean wrapped her foot and propped it up on another chair.

"Alright, we need to talk." Dean sat on the bed closest to her while Sam took another chair. "When did this, feeling thingy, start?"

(Y/n) thinks about it. "Constance Welch, when Sam and I were in the car with her, she, passed through me, I think. After that, it started- I don't even know what it is." They could hear the frustration in her voice.

"Can you try to explain it?" Sam asked, leaning forward on the table. "What does it feel like?"

(Y/n) let out a deep sigh and leaned back against the wall behind her. "It's like, there's something inside me that is just, moving around, looking for something. Sometimes it's just brushing against others feelings, and then there's times, where it latches onto those feelings. Kinda connects with them, and I feel what the other person or thing feels."

Dean's mind goes back to the Wendigo, and his sisters question. "You felt the Wendigo."

It's not a question, not really, but she nods anyways. "Yeah."

"And now you dreamt about Peter Sweeney." Sam had a contemplating look. "But being pulled into his feelings and memories isn't something you experienced before?"

She shakes her head. "I don't know what happened with him. All I know is that he was so angry, and he wanted revenge."

"You were a way for him to give a voice to the anger." Dean says, a light clicking on in his mind. "Lucas was the only one he could get anything out through, but he was too traumatized to talk. Then we came into town and started poking into stuff."

Sam reaches the same conclusion. "And suddenly he had someone a little older and stronger that he could use. You'd already gone through a, uh, connection, with two other supernatural beings."

The thought is nauseating, and (y/n) pales at it. "So, what does this mean for me?" Just the potential answers make her nervous.

Dean gets up from the bed and sits on the chair right beside her. "It means that you'll have to be more careful and tell us when something is wrong. You're not the only psychic out there, if we find someone else then we can always ask for advice."

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