Chapter 4 Wendigo

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Third pov

(Y/n) kept her eyes closed as Dean drove, her thoughts far away.

The teen had been on hunts before. All of them with Dean, but still, a hunt is a hunt.

But she had never, ever, felt like she had when Constance had been near her. She felt so cold. And then when Dean had gotten Sam, she'd felt like she was burning inside.

And then when she'd found out her older brothers girlfriend had burned inside.

She felt her head spinning as she tried to sort through everything.

"(Y/n), you okay back there?"

The teen opened her eyes. "I'm okay. Can we get something to eat soon?" She didn't question how he knew she was awake.  He usually only said it was big brother intuition.

"Sure can, there's a diner up ahead."

Time skip

(Y/n) practically inhaled her burger and fries, much to the shock of Sam and amusement of Dean.

When they were done they headed over to the Rangers station.

"So Blackwater Ridge is pretty remote. It's cut off by these canyons here. Rough terrain, dense forest, abandoned silver and gold mines all over the place." Sam was looking at a map while Dean was staring at a photo on the wall.

"Dude, check out the size of this frigging bear."

Sam came over. "And a dozen or more grizzlies in the area. It's no nature hike, that's for sure."

(Y/n) was looking inside their dads journal trying to figure out what it could be that they were up against.

"You three aren't heading to Blackwater Ridge by any chance?" The ranger had a scrutinizing look in his eyes.

"Oh, no, sir. We're environmental-study majors from UC Boulder." Sam lied smoothly.

"Recycle man." Dean halfheartedly said.

"Bull. You're friends with that Haley girl aren't you?" The ranger put his coffee down.

(Y/n) snapped to attention. "Yeah, we are, Ranger Wilkinson." She joined her brother's side.

"Well, i will tell you exactly what i told her. Her brother filled out a permit saying he wouldn't be back until the 24th. Not exactly a missing persons, now, is it?"

Dean shook his head.

The ranger continued. "Tell that girl to quit worrying. I'm sure her brother is fine."

"We will. But could we have a copy of the permit to show her? It might be easier for her if she sees the date herself." She didn't miss Dean's proud look and the flash of irritation on Sam's face.

Time skip

"The coordinates point to Blackwater Ridge, why should we even talk to this girl when we can just go find dad?"

(Y/n) frowned. "Because maybe we need to know what we're walking into before we walk into it. You know, so we don't die." She didn't like her brothers attitude and neither did Dean.

"What?" Sam asked as he saw the looks on their faces.

Dean answered. "Since when did you become shoot first, ask questions later?"

"Since now."

(Y/n) just shook her head and got into the car.

Time skip

A young woman with black hair opened the door.

Dean presented the three of them as two Rangers and their little sister.

"So if Tommy's not due to be back i a while how do you know something's wrong?"

"He checks in everyday by cell. He e-mails photos, stupid little videos."" Hayley explained. "But we haven't heard from him in days."

"Maybe he can't get cell reception?"

"He's got a satellite phone too." Haley went to get more of the food from the kitchen.

"Could it be he forgot to check in?" Dean suggested.

"He wouldn't do that." The teen at the table said.

(Y/n) was half listening as she tried to come up with explanations.

"Our parents are gone. It's just me and my two brothers. We keep pretty close tabs on each other."

(Y/n) felt sympathy with them. Especially considering that she knew how it felt when one sibling disappeared.

"Can i see the pictures he sent you?"

Haley nodded at Sam's question. "Yeah."

The black haired woman showed them a few pictures and the last video she got.

The video caught the teen girl's attention. Something quick, tall and almost ghost like went past the back of the tent.

Dean was surprised as his baby sister tugged on his sleeve and asked if she could have their dads journal. He handed it to her and got a quiet. "I'll be in the car" before she left.

(Y/n) went to a page she'd skimmed over before.


That had to be it, right?

As soon as Dean and Sam came back to the car she brought it up.

"Aren't they in Minnesota or northern Michigan?" Sam asked.

(Y/n) shrugged. "Usually but it never hurts to be prepared." She went back to reading through the pages properly. Her brothers have a tendency to be hardheaded and considering Sam's change in attitude she fully intended to prepare.

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