Chapter 16 Bloody Mary

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When (y/n) opened her eyes it was to a rainy day. Sam was asleep, she noted as she looked towards the passenger side, but he wouldn't be for long. He never slept for long now.

"We're almost at a diner, munchkin. You hungry?" Dean asked, eyes watching her through the rearview mirror.

She nodded. "Yeah."

The tension had dropped since the plane crash case, but, it still wasn't pleasant. None of them understood why their dad was making the choices he'd been making the last few months, and (y/n) had a feeling that even if they found him, he still would never explain himself.

The car slowed down just around the time Sam woke, eyes wide and breathing deeply. The ever present fear in his eyes when he woke up made her uncomfortable, and the constant feeling of discomfort made her feel guilty.

"Alright, let's get something to eat." Dean parked Baby. "You both look like you need it. Afterwards I want to take a look at your ankle, munchkin."

After ordering, (y/n) grabbed a newspaper and sat down. "Any new cases or can I look for some?"

Dean shrugged. "Look away, kiddo."

She waited for a moment, but Sam made no move to protest and so she started reading, eating her breakfast as she went. With Sam and Dean bickering about something in the background it made for an almost comforting morning.

"Found something." (Y/n) angled the paper to let them see a news article. "Guy dies after starting to bleed from his eyes. Police says it's a stroke."

Sam finished reading it through. "Well, let's go. Looks to be a day's trip away from here."

Dean payed and the three set off, Sam dozing off in the front seat as his body seemed to be slowly deciding that he needs more sleep, no matter if he wants it or not. (Y/n) leaned her head on the window beside her. There was nothing she could do to help, not that Sam would accept help. He wasn't even accepting that he needed support despite months having passed.

The rain had stopped by the time they pulled into their destination. (Y/n) had been flipping through their dads journal for the past half hour.

Sam woke up with a start again. "Take it I was having a nightmare."

"Yeah, another one." Dean answered, clearly not impressed.

Sam took a deep breath. "Hey, at least I got some sleep."

"You know, sooner or later we're going to have to talk about this." Dean said.

(Y/n) leaned forward. "For now, welcome to Toledo, let's check this case out. I am bored out of my mind and there's no way I look old enough to be in the morgue with you. Come on, chop chop." She did her best impression of a normal, annoyed teenager, hoping to brighten the mood.

It worked, her brother's cracked up and Dean ruffled her hair. "Yeah, yeah, we'll be back soon."

(Y/n) sighed and leaned back in her seat once she was alone. The paper had little to no details to go on when it came to Sam Shoemaker, which made it extremely difficult to narrow down what could have been the culprit. Their dad's journal was nothing to sneeze at when it came to monster information, but it was no miracle worker.

"Maybe I should make one..." She muttered.

It wasn't a bad idea. She could do her own notes of cases. There was no way she had the guts to write anything in their dad's journal. She may be loved by John Winchester, but there was no way he would react well to that.

However, if she was going to start a journal, she would need a proper one. Not something that would be worn out out in a few uses. After quickly making up her mind, she sent a text to someone who could find her a good one.

The cardoors opened.

"You good, (y/n)?" Sam asked when he noticed that she had been off in her own thoughts.

"Yup. Just thinking." (Y/n) shelved her plans for the moment. "How did it go?"

"They think the guy had a stroke." Sam frowned. "I get not knowing what to think with mysterious death, but the guys eyes liquefied. We're going to talk to the guy's daughter."

(Y/n) opened her mouth.

"You're staying in the car." Dean cut in. "We'll get you set up with research later, but I'm not comfortable with you going around too much on that ankle."

(Y/n) groaned. "Oh, come on! It's almost healed!" Once again she cursed the wendigo in the privacy of her head.

"Even more reason for you to not risk screwing it up." Dean stated, sharing a look with Sam. "Look, we're not trying to punish you. We just want you to be safe and healthy as far as it's realistically possible. Especially with your new mojo, power thingy."

"What Dean said." Sam agreed. He twisted to look at his little sister. "We'll tell you everything we find out, okay?"

(Y/n) pouted for a few more seconds, then she sighed theatrically. "Fine, but you better actually tell me everything!"

"We will, kiddo. Promise." Dean pulled up in front of a house with several other cars already there. "We'll be back soon."

(Y/n) directed the most sceptical look Sam had ever seen her give anyone towards him. "Bloody Mary? Really?"

"Yup." They stopped at the local library.

"But, if Bloody Mary is haunting this town, wouldn't there have to have been a local woman that died in a super messed up way?" (y/n) questioned.

"Yeah, but a legend this widespread is hard. There's like fifty versions of who she is." Sam said. "One says she's a witch, another claims she's a mutilated bride. There's many more."

"So, what are we supposed to be looking for?" Dean asked.

"Well," (y/n) spoke. "There's always someone named Mary and a mirror involved. And I'd say we need to check any local record." She stopped when she say the out of order papers on the library computors. "Damn it."

Sam caught on to where she was looking. "Yeah, this is going to be more annoying than I thought."

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