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"Why are we here again?" Corbyn asked as he and daniel walked into Jack's living room.

"because I have something important to tell you guys. also, happy birthday Dani, I love you so much" i said as i pulled said boy into a hug,

"I've got your present, but you have to open it later."

"Thanks, hun. I love you too" daniel smiled at me as they all sat down, I sat next to jack and the other two across from us.

Me and jack had been up most of the night, talking about telling people and plans for the future when the baby does come. We had decided to tell everyone else today before realizing it was Dani's birthday, and maybe he wouldn't like learning that his best friend is pregnant on his 18th birthday. However, Jack couldn't convince me to tell everyone tomorrow even because he knew I would chicken out.

"So, what did you want to tell us? is everything okay?" Corbyn spoke first, crossing his right leg over his left. Daniel placed his hand on Corbyn's knee, making the younger calm down slightly.

"No, corbs, nothing is wrong; we just wanted to tell you... well, jack and I wanted you two to be the first of our friends to know that- okay, so you guys know how I've been under the weather the past few days-"

"Oh My God, do you have testicular cancer?!"

"Corbyn, hush," Daniel hissed at the boy.

"No, I do not any form of cancer; it's just that..." Jack knew that I couldn't finish my sentence; I had been crying periodically over what my mum had said to me.

"Zach and I are going to have a baby" the silence that followed was deadly. Corbyn had gone white as a sheet and was unmoving in his place; Daniel was smiling politely before his face hardened,

"So this bitch got you pregnant?" We were all quite shocked at the response the brunet boy gave. the blond next to him dropped his jaw,

"Dani, that was very rude," He said, and I had to agree. If anything, i thought Corbyn would be the one to respond that way; Corbyn and Daniel had switched their reactions.

"so." The brunet shrugged, "It's true. Look, Avery, I like you well enough, but that doesn't mean you could get my best friend pregnant. Now I hope that you plan to be a father to this baby; or you'll wish you and I had never met" And anyone in that room could tell that what the boy said was a promising truth; that's why Jack Avery's reaction was silent besides the very audible gulp of apprehension taken.

"Dani, this wasn't exactly a planned project-"

"I'm like sorry to interrupt or whatever, but how the fuck are you with child, are a boy. You have a cock. you take it up the ass- excuse me for being a little confused as to how your tiny ass body is going to carry a child for nine months."

"Well, actually, that's another thing we were going to talk about; I need you guys' help to get my stuff out of my room because mum sorta... kicked me out. I should've been the one to leave because she and my father lied to me my entire life, and I was born with like a uterus, but they were so ashamed of me they had to pretend it never happened even to raise me. and now they don't have to raise me anymore, but pretty soon it won't matter because I'm going to be raising my kid." Corbyn quickly moved to sit beside me because i had fallen into a distraught monologue, my voice wavering.

"z, it's okay. Take a deep breath. we love you no matter what, baby." I had finally stopped talking and was crying into the blond's thin chest.

"we'll help you get your stuff from your room. Do you have a place to stay? for your stuff to go outside of your dorm?"

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