
269 16 1

C o r b y n

You can imagine how
surprised i was to come
down the stairs in my house; open the front door and be met with the sight of Jack Avery on my front porch.

"ew, what are you doing here?" i grimaced. it wasn't like i hated him or anything.

i mean maybe before, when this whole mess with him and Zach started, before things got serious. he was pretty okay.

but right now i hated men in general. don't care how fucking nice anyone says they are.

they're probably prone to violence and keeping secrets. might as well date a stranger or better yet, a mafia member.

Jack cleared his throat, wiping his face clean of the glare i know wanted to marre his features.

"i uh wanted to talk" i scoffed, no duh sherlock.

"about what?" i crossed my arms impatiently.

"can i come in?"

"no" i responded fast, he huffed.



like any normal nosey person would, Jack Avery looked around as i took him to
the living room.

it was strange because i never had company. for good reason. even when i hung out with daniel or zach, it was at their house or somewhere else.

"do you want anything to drink or...?" i asked him. i mean i didn't really know what to say.

i don't even know how he knew i was gonna be here and not in our dorm.

"no, thanks i just... i keep thinking about how when we first told you that zach was expecting, how you and i had that conversation. it was really good for me" he started, sitting in a recliner.

"i remember, is that what this is about. you want me to be your confidant?"

"kinda? not really. it's just that, you have a much cooler temper than i do and you have a different way of looking at it. when we talked last time it really helped me." he said. i could only sigh and
cross my arms.

i didn't really understand what he was talking about but if he thought it would help him which would i'm turn help zach then i didn't see the harm of listening for him rant about a major off putting event.

it's not like it meant we suddenly liked each other or anything.

outside of these convos we would go back hating each other and being at each other as throats.

well again, it wasn't him per se that i hated, just the male species. especially ones who could choke you with their toxic masculinity.

i rubbed my side uneasily, getting sidetracked for a moment. Jack cleared his throat and i jumped,

"okay..." i nodded slowly.

"to be truthful, i'm scared, actually i think terrified should cover it." he started, his voice hardly above a whisper.

"that's understandable. can you tell me why?"

"well, a lot of the time, i think about how ill prepared we are for this. and sometimes when i'm shopping or anything, i'll see something and think maybe i should get it for the baby."

"that's normal as well, it's an instinct we have, to provide." i explained. he gulped hard and it made me wonder what he was gonna say next.

"what if we fail? what if our child dies before it's actually born. there are so many ways to mess this up. and then what? it'll break us, him. everyone. life is so fragile, do you ever think of that? how fragile life is? it takes nine months for you to come into this world and only one wrong step or action to disappear." it sounded like he was practically hysterical.

"you need to calm down. i'll make some tea," yes. i recently became the type of person to drink Chamomile. i had a lot of reasons to be anxious lately.

so sue me.

it was hours later, i was getting ready for bed, jack had long since left me in the empty house to sleep.

my family was away on vacay so i was by myself.

it was when i was almost asleep that my phone rang.

but no amount of chamomile could calm the wave of anxiety that crashed into me like water into the sea.

around 700
unedited :)
spicy little cliffie ehehehehe (insert e-vil laughter)

hope you enjoyed this short little update :) it's really not much at all


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