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D a n i e l

"im thinking about going blond" i said to corbyn. the boy sat on his bed, watching me silently,

"really? why?" these last few days had been hard. seeing him break down so much, but neither of us had gone to school and i had been trying to get him to open up to me. all i know is that Andrew hurt him somehow, and now he's got ptsd from the situation.

but he was talking more than he had been in the last few weeks and was smiling more. i could see the old corbyn peeking through. but i knew enough about mental health to know that it would be getting worse before he actually started to get better. but i know he wants help. i can see it in his eyes.

"Jonah really liked my dark hair... and i've always wanted to dye it... why not blond. then we can match" i shot him a toothy grin and he giggled.

"that would be cool." he said. "but i like brunet daniel"

"what if i just dyed my tips then...?"

"maybe" he shrugged, i smiled at him, running a hand through my hair.

"Jonah doesn't deserve it" he said after a whole of silence. i turned to him, my eyebrows furrowed. i could see the wariness in his posture, he was afraid to say more.

"what do you mean?" i asked, doing my best to make my voice as light and curious as possible.

"He doesn't deserve any of us, or your thoughts."

"i agree, but i'm not sure i'm following" i shook my head, going to sit on the bed next to him. he stiffened slightly, his eyes darting down to his clenched hands.

"make you own decisions" i knew that the way he had made his sentence shorter he was done and wanted me to figure it out on my own.

Truthfully i was really fucking mad at zach, but mostly Jonah. he's a fake. he pretended throughout our entire relationship and used me to get to my best friend.

now zach had his tongue down the throat of the guy i almost fucked. yeah, awhile back everyone thought we had done it, i had even went along with it. but it wasn't true, Jonah was embarrassed that he had a boyfriend but wasn't getting laid so he made up rumors about fucking me on prom night and maybe even before that, i couldn't be sure.

but the reason i broke up with him was because he's a nobody. honestly, zach will get fucked over if he doesn't take care of himself.

is that selfish on my part? not wanting anything to go with the two of them even if i knew how bad Jonah was?

i knew what corbyn meant now,

"you don't want me to change myself because of the things jonah took pride in..." i looked at the blond sitting beside me, his eyes were resting on me his lips sealed.

i watched as he moved slightly with his deep breathing, the slight movement of his blue irises as they took in every inch of my face. the way his lips parted when we locked eyes once again.

"you're a protector." he said. and it was very random, i had no idea what it meant but i knew if i asked i wouldn't get an answer.

so i let out a deep breath and smiled at him, "how about some tea?"

z a c h

"i can't believe you were actually serious" i said, rolling into my side.

"why?" jonah voiced from his folly chair at his desk. he was doing

"i dunno, wait. aren't you going to college soon?"

"yeah, why?"

"i don't want to stay on your house with your family while you're away, that's strange"

"why is that strange?"

"it's like, 'oh hey mum, while i'm away at university, zach, my boyfriend who is pregnant with my ex best friends kid is going to be staying here' that'll be so weird!"

"he's right, that's kinda strange" Kaya said from the phone. kaya was very clingy but was really good at looking out for me during school, i felt less watched while she was by my side.

"see, even kaya agrees"

"okay okay. i'll get an apartment before i go off to college" jonah replied, skinning slightly in the chair.


"yeah it'll be fine."

"have you talked to jessie any?" kaya cut in.

"who?" i asked confused.

"jessica, Jacks ex?"

"oh...  no, i doubt she knows where he is" i sighed, "plus if he wanted to be found he would have said so in the note or have contacted me by now, it's almost been a month."

"are you hungry?" jonah cut in and i looked over at him. i smiled big,

"fuck yeah!" all jonah and i ever did was get food and occasionally make out, it wasn't bad. way different than jack and i's relationship.

4 months ago i never thought i'd say this but...

i miss Jack Avery.

mostly a filler :) hope you enjoyed.

peace love and positivity

-kc 🪐

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