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I was spring cleaning, much to my dismay. i mean it was a little late in the season to be doing so but here i was. not the mention the fact that this wasn't my house. it was jacks.

he was supposed to be discharged from the hospital today. i didn't want him to come home to a dirty house. ideally, i would be the in to pick him up from the hospital but seeing as i can't drive and i was a little busy, daniel offered to do it for me.

i almost tripped while i was carrying a rather large box but was caught and sat up right by strong arms, which then grabbed the box that had my arms quivering from its weight.

"thanks" i sighed.

"no problem" Jonah replied with a smile.

"i really appreciate you doing this, i mean i'm sure there is a million things you'd rather be doing right now." i said. i wasn't sure if Jonah and Daniel had gotten past whatever put them on pause but both of them were great guys and i hoped that would work it out.

"how's it going with you and dani?" i asked him as i started organizing the pantry.

"well" he started. "it's not. we actually broke up this morning..." i backtracked out of the pantry,

"what?! why? i thought things were good between you two?"

"they were at first, but daniel has morphed into the guy that i don't know. sweet innocent daniel that needed protecting now he's very independent, i'm sure he doesn't need me. he'll be okay"

"wow," i nodded. "daniel has always been very prerogative of himself and others but also very soft. a lot has changed these last few months and he's growing because of it" i replied. whether dani wanted jonah to be a part of his growth was his business i supposed.

it's strange to think that just a few months ago or even a few weeks ago daniel and corbyn were in relationships that were couple goals, and i was in what couldn't be classified as a relationship, now it's changed.

but they are much braver than i could ever be, to make a
choice like that.

Jonah continued to help me clean the place, a lot bigger than i imagined.

"are you hungry? i just worked you so hard i'm sure there's something i could make real quick." i asked him as we sat on the couch. he checked his watch,

"oh actually it's about time i head out of here."

"really? well, i'll walk you out" i said to him, standing up.

he smiled warmly as we
made our way to the door.

"hey, thanks again for you help, you've been wonderful to me that last couple weeks." i said.

"it's not a problem, what are friends for?" he stepped closer like he wanted to hug me. so i opened my arms and let him.

"definitely not this, not 18 year old friends anyway" i snorted as we parted, i noticed that he didn't step back like i thought he would.

"what if..." he started, his fingertips lightly gripping my chin. "what if i told you that i want to be more than friends?" his gaze seemed to sharpen on my face.

i turned red under his gaze, stuttering,

"i-i dunno jonah. i-i mean i have Jack and you have... well y-you had dani-" he cut me off, pulled my body flush against his.

"just pretend for a moment they don't exist" he whispered, "that it's just me and you, would you kiss me?" they way his breath felt against my face made me shiver slightly.

"maybe" was all i said before he had his lips on mine, his entire body seemed to swallow my tiny one when he wrapped his arms around me, bent to reach me better.

it's nice, kissing people. i liked it, i won't lie. but it was the sound of keys jingling in the lock at the front door that had us pulled away from each other a little too late. i see Jack, his bruises yellowed and fading, his dark usually seductive eyes were hard and narrowed on me and his best friend.

well shit.

i shoved jonah even farther from me, a choking sound escaping my mouth.

"what the actual fuck is happening."

"jack" i started, he cut me off,

"what are you doing, zachary?" i flinched at the sound of my full name. "throwing yourself at my best friend like some whore? and in my house?" i looked down guilty. he was right, he was being generous and loyal and i went and shit on his kindness.

"Hey man-"

"you. don't hey man me!" jack shouted at jonah, "is this what we do now bro? we screw each others boyfriends? you're supposed to be my best fucking friend. you two are supposed to be the most important people in my life, to have my back, not stab me in it"

i wants to run, to pretend that it was all jonahs fault. or to rewind and stop it before it ever happened. it's not supposed to go like this.

before either of us could say anything jack took out back out the door. i stood staring at the spot he was in moments ago. i suddenly felt dirty. when jonah reached out to touch me. i jerked away.

"don't" i whispered.

"i'm sorry" he said before he left too. i shook my head. he wasn't. his voice didn't hold an ounce of empathy.

leave it to me to fuck shit up.


lmao this is such a short chapter. but the drama had officially started.

do you think Jack said the right things to them?

do you think jonah used zachs emotions and hormones against him?

how do you think dani has changed since the beginning of Liar Liar?

i hope you enjoyed


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