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Leah pov

Each minute, hour, day, goes by in a flash. It felt as if every time I blinked, I'd be wasting a moment with Draco. We hardly ever left eachothers side like we knew that what we had now, wouldn't last forever. Everyone the sun rose I would be thrilled that I got to spend another day with the boy I so dearly loved. But everytime it set, I'd be reminded that another day was gone and soon enough-I wouldn't have him anymore.

I have a remainder of three days left until my birthday. Normally birthdays are full of happiness and celebration-but not mine. Mine was full of fear, despair...darkness.

The past week has been full of joy with Draco. We made sure to use our time carefully-spending each and every moment together. But everytime I'd catch him looking at me I'd always recognise that little sense of misery in his luring eyes.

We never talk about how we only have a short number of days left, it was too hard. We avoided it like a bullet, like if we talked about it-even the slightest bit, we would crumble. He didn't want to talk about it, and neither did I. These last 72 hours were meant to show eachother how much we cared for one another-how much love we had.

A few days ago I begged Draco to let me bring Silas to the manor. After a lot of convincing he finally gave in. I could tell that Draco wasn't really a cat person, to be fair I don't think he's an animal person in general but, he'll warm up to Silas. The fluffy cat would always try and lay on Dracos chest when we would lay in bed at night. Draco being Draco, he would scoff and end up picking Silas up and throwing him onto the floor.

However, as I walked into the bedroom today, I saw Draco sleeping peacefully on his side with Silas snuggled next to him. Draco's had was resting of his belly, his head next to silas'. I smiled to myself, going over to the corner of the room to take a photograph of them both, shoving it in my pocket to maybe draw later that day.

I slowly walked over to the bed, sitting next to Draco to turn wake him up. I shook his shoulder whispering his name until he groaned and stretched, stirring awake.

"Morning." I giggled, watching Silas slowly waking up aswell.

"What are you laughing at?" Draco asked, bringing the hand not resting onto cats belly up to rub his eyes.

"Looks like you two have become friends." I grinned and jerked my head in the direction of silas sound asleep next to him.

His eyes instantly widened, his face cringing as he brought his hand from silas' belly to shove him off the bed.

"Oi!" My jaw dropped and I quickly walked to the other side of the bed to pick up Silas, holding him like a baby. "You can't just shove him like that."

"It's a cat they always land on their feet, it's fine look at it." He rolled his eyes, sitting up to rest on both of his elbows.

"He," I scold while glaring at Draco. "was sleeping peacefully until you decided to act like you weren't cuddling next to him before."

He scoffed. "I was not cuddling with it." He cringed as he watched me tickle the cats ears. "It probably just came up to me while I was asleep."

"Mhm." I hummed, not convinced at all.

"Oh shut up." He shook his head, standing up to stretch. He was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants with a simple black shirt that hugged his arms tightly. When hi lifted his arms up to stretch I caught a glimpse of his toned v-line, I bit my lip while I watched him.

"Stop looking at me like that."

I looked up to meet his eyes, putting the cat down on the bed. "Like what?" I teased, walking over to his slowly-swaying my hips slightly. I placed cheeky on the floor and he trotted out the room.

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