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Excitement filled my body as I opened each one of my presents for my thirteenth birthday. Dark purple wrapping paper was scattered across the carpet floor in the living of my house. I sat cross legged, back leaning against the couch, fingers tearing open present by present.

My father sat at the edge of the sofa, his ankle draping over his leg with a cup of coffee in his hand. He had a warm smile on his lips as he watched me, his only daughter, rapidly rip open my gifts. His hair was ruffled from only just waking up from his slumber. Tired but gleeful eyes peered down at his cup, blowing lightly before taking a short sip.

My mother was trying to keep up with my fast pace as she shoved ripped wrapping paper into a black bin bag. He hair was frizzy, tied into a low loose bun. Her glasses sat on the bridge of her nose-every now and then she should push them up higher if they slipped down.

"Oh my gosh!" I beamed. Behind the purple paper revealed a new drawing kit-more expensive then the one I had sitting in my bedroom. I traced my fingers over the light oak, sliding them down to the front of the kit where there were two metal pieces holding the kit together.

I looked up with glowing eyes to see my father already watching me with a wide smile. "Don't just stare at me like that open it." He jerked his head forward, edging me to open the kit.

Biting down on my lip eagerly, I fiddled with the metal picks until they shot open, revealing all sorts of art equipment.

On the inside of the opened top multiple coloured pencils were neatly lined up together. Next to them were pastel pencils, set in a rainbow formation. On the left side on the top there were graphite sticks and chalk. Looking at the left bottom of the kit, there were sharpeners, rubbers and small rulers-all basic, required equipment for a drawer. Finally glancing down to the middle bottom, there were small, thick and medium brushes and ink-begging to be used. Nest to them were sets of paint ranging from every single colour imaginable.

"Do you like it?" My mother fell down to the couch next to my father, rubbing the slight bit of sweat from her forehead. "If not we can go back into town to get another one instead if it isn't that go-"

"No! No, I love it!" I grinned like a Cheshire cat while wiggling my fingers on the sides of the box.

My mother let out a sigh of relief as my father chuckled, placing his hand on her thigh. "I'm sure Leah would appreciate any present we got her Lydia."

"Obviously!" I scoffed playfully before standing up and placing my new present to the side. I climbed onto the couch and launched onto my parents, laughing and engulfing them in a tight, messy hug. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I squealed.

"My god Leah I can hardly breathe!" My father laughed wrapping his arms around me and my mother to bring us close to him. Multiple sounds of happiest escaped all our mouths as we enjoyed this moment together.

My mother pulled away slightly once we all calmed down. She placed her hand on my cheek, her warm skin making my heart flutter. She looked at me with beautiful baby blue eyes, her lips smiling softly. "You've already grown to become so beautiful." She whispered, rubbing my cheek slightly.

"Muummm." I groaned, cheeks flaming red from embarrassment. I heard my father chuckle at my left and I sent him a warning glare.

He put his hands infront of him for defence before shaking his head, grinning. "She isn't lying Leah. You're the most beautiful person in this world." He said making me roll my eyes slightly but I couldn't stop the smile spreading on my lips.

A New Feeling  - Draco Malfoy Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now