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Me, Cora and Cole talked in the three broomsticks for about half an hour. It was fun catching up with them. Even though I did see Cora a little over a month ago. But Cole however, I haven't seen in a year due to him going to a wizarding school very far away. He looks quite different, a lot more good looking. And his body is more built and fit.

Just as we are talking a waitress struts over to us handing our bill. I begin to pull my money out until Cole stops me.

"I'll get it." He said quickly pulling out his wallet.

"No Cole, you didn't even get anythi-"

"Be quite darling." He interrupts as he places him money on the wooden table. I give him a warm smile, I'm glad that my friends are here with me.

"No." Draco speaks up, pulling out his wallet. "I'm paying." He says, an almost challenging tone in his voice.

"It's fine mate, I don't mi-"

"I said I'm paying alright!" Draco shouts, slamming his fists on the table. I place my hand on his leg to try and calm him down and feel his body slowly relax. I mouth a 'sorry' to Cole, feeling bad for the way Draco is acting. After a few seconds of silence Cora speaks up.

"Anywaysss, what do you think about the new hair Leah? I finally decided to go blonde like you told me." She says breaking the tension.

"Oh yeah it looks great, I told you you would suit it." I say laughing.

"Your hairs certainly got a lot longer since the last time I saw you ay?" Cole points out. "And you've finally grown into them ears of yours." He taunts.

I punch his arm lightly as he pretends I hurt him badly, falling back in his chair. Me, him and Cora all let out a laugh but Draco remains cold. 'What's wrong' I mouth to him but he just shrugs his shoulders and looks down at his hands, fiddling with his metallic rings.

"But on a serious note, you've gotten a lot more beautiful." He says winking at me. I roll my eyes and see Dracos fists clench. I squeeze his leg to reassure him that it's okay but he shoves my hand off of him.

I furrow my eyebrows at him as he stands up, marching away from our table. I tell Cora and Cole I'll be back in a minute as I follow an angry Draco. I see him turn to the hallway where the bathrooms are and call out his name. But he ignores me. He turns to the wall next to him, leaning his hands on the wall and narrowing his head down. His platinum hair falling over his eyes.

I walk up to him and place a hand on his shoulder but he aggressively shoves it off.

"What is wrong with you?" I snap at him, unsure of his behaviour.

"What's wrong with me?" he laughs looking at me. "What's wrong with me is that git is all over you, that's what's wrong with me." He shouts pacing around the hallway, running his hands through his hair.

"Draco what are you on about, there's nothing!" I shout back at him, matching his tone.

"Can you not see the way he fucking looks at you?" He says his voice trembling slightly.

"He's my best friend Draco! I've known him since I was four!" I say trying to assure him that nothing is going to happen between me and Cole.

"I Dont care how long you've fucking known him." He says stepping close to me. "He wants you, I can see it in his fucking eyes."

"Nothing is going to happen between us, he's just a friend."

"Friends don't hug each other like that Austin, the way you were whispering to each other, the way he was holding you-friends don't act like that!" He snapped, I could feel his breath on my face.

"Could you stop being so fucking childish and realise that he's just a friend to me." I snap back at him. I see his face grow with anger and he pushes through me.

"Draco where are you goin-"

"Piss off Austin!" He shouts making me flinch as he walks away from me. Why was he getting so jealous? I know Cole can come off as flirty but he needs to realise that that's just what our friendship is like. I'll talk to him later on when he's calmed down a bit. I just want to spend this time to talk to my friends.

I walk back into the sitting area and see Cole and Cora talking.

"Sorry about that." I say sliding back into my seat.

"Where'd Draco go? We saw him walk out, he looked pretty pissed." Cora asked taking a sip of her drink.

"He's fine, he just needs to do something back at Hogwarts." I lie, trying to sound convincing. I see Cora look at me and I know she saw right through my lie. I shift in my seat and change the topic.

I tell them what it's like at Hogwarts and what the classes are like. I mention that professor snape is the dullest most annoying teachers there and they laugh at my terrible impression of him. I also tell them about my friends I've met at Hogwarts. I talk about the golden trio and talk about how fun they are, especially Ron. I also tell them about Luna and how she was the first person I befriended at Hogwarts. I continue on and mention how I met Cedric and ended up kissing him, but I don't mention Draco stepping in and beating the shit out of him. They both looked at me in shock as I've never been someone to mess around with boys. If only they knew what Draco has done to me.

I don't talk about that night at the party, I might tell Cole soon though. It depends how I feel. They both showed me their timetables for the year. Cora has DADA and potions with me and Cole has herbology and divination with me.

We decide to head back to Hogwarts as it's getting pretty late. Cora and Cole have both been sorted into their houses already and thankfully, they were put into slytherin. We head back to the common room and Cole goes off to the boys dorm to get settled. Cora is roomed in my dorm so THANK GOD I won't have to share my dorm with just pansy from now on.

I decide to just get ready for bed, I'll talk to Draco tomorrow morning before classes. I hope by then he would have calmed down about the situation and put some common sense into his thick head.

A New Feeling  - Draco Malfoy Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now