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A/n in this chapter there will be small mentioning of self harm. I will put a warning before it if you do not feel comfortable reading it. Thank you.

I take my seat in herbology next to Ron. I'm happy that me and Draco are okay again, it took alot of convincing, but he finally understands that Cole is just a friend to me. He also apologised for calling me a mudblood, he said he was just angry and that's what came out his mouth.

"How are you doing Leah?" Ron asked me as he pulled out his herbology book.

"I'm doing great actually." I say to him smiling. And it's actually true. I feel really happy lately.

As me and ron are talking Cole strides into the room. His hair falling over his face making him look breathtaking. Finding him attractive doesn't mean anything. He's just a friend.

"Hey you." He says smirking at me, sliding into his seat.

"Hey, erm Ron this is Cole." I introduce him. They shake each others hands as the lesson begins. We aren't doing anything with plants today, just written work which is a bit annoying. The lesson goes by rather quickly as me, Ron and Cole are having a fun time talking to each other. Cole gets along with anybody. He's always had a kind heart, and a sarcastic wit.

As the class finishes, me and Cole walk back to the common room together. "So leah, how are things with you and Malfoy." He asks.

"Oh um, we are doing good. Why do you ask?"

"I just want to make sure he's treating you right darling." He says as we enter the common room and sit infront of the fire. "Are you happy with him?" He asks as he leans his arm snap the back of the sofa.

"Yes I am, you don't need to worry Cole." I reassure him.

"I'm just checking, so what else has been going in with you then?" He asks.

I look around the common room to make sure nobody is listening. "Um well you know my condition." I say lowly. He nods his head as he sits himself us to listen.

"Well, I got a letter a few weeks ago and it said 'I know what you are'." I shift in my seat as I continue. "And Dracos father told him to stay away from me, because he knows something about me."

Cole looks at me confused. He thinks to himself for a moment before speaking. "Hm. You haven't told anyone here about have you?" He asks.

"Well one person knows, her names Luna but I didn't tell her, she found out by touching me. But she wouldn't say anything to anyone trust me."

"Okay. Make sure no one else finds out, you know how dangerous it is. Just try and keep a low profile okay love?"

"Okay." I say smiling.

I decide to go for a short walk after talking to Cole just to think about a few things. I walk outside the castle to get some fresh air that I've been craving. I sroll around the grounds of Hogwarts, admiring the beautiful castle. I think back to my first day. To only think that it was a couple months ago baffles me. It feels like I've been here my entire life.

I feel like I belong here. Like I'm a puzzle and this was the last piece to make me complete. But truly, that piece was Draco.

A/n self harm mentioning.

Before Hogwarts my life wasn't the finest. I struggled with a lot of things. I was ridiculed back at beauxbatons everyday. For the way I looked, acted, sounded everything. It took me a long time to accept myself and who I am. People were never really... nice to me. I would get called fat, worthless, ugly, disgusting. I could go on forever. When the girls had to sit next to me in classes I would hear them say cruel things to one another about me. I would pretend I couldn't hear them but in reality, I did.

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