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"Promise you'll write?" Cora asked as we exited the Hogwarts Express.

"I promise" I chuckled and brought her into a hug. This hug could possibly be the last hug from my dear friend. I held her body close to mine, trying to hold back the tears wanting to break through. We stayed this way for a moment until Cole spoke.

"Right come on save some for me." Cole teased as I pulled away from Cora, laughing. He pulled my body into hid as I wrapped my arms around my neck. I made sure to memorize their touch, smell and smile.

"I'm gonna miss you." I whispered into the crook of his neck. He let out a small chuckle before pulling away.

"You'll see me soon love." He reassured and brushed some stray strands of hair away from my face. A wave of guilt came over me. They don't realise that this could be the last time we will ever see eachother, if only I brought up the courage to tell them. But I didn't.

"Merlin I love you guys." I quickly brought them both in for another tight hug.

"I'm here aswell you know." Blaise joked. I let out a loud laugh and opened my arms for him until Cora closed my arm back in.

"No you smell to bad." She smirked.

"Hey!" Blaise spoke offended. I rolled my eyes before pulling him into our group hug. We all stood there in a small circle, hugging eachother like little kids.

"Ahem" Draco coughed, reminding us that it's time to leave.

We all pulled away from one another, said goodbye and parted our ways. I watched as they walked together with their backs too us. A single tear left my left eye, rolling down my cheek and finally falling off my chin. The cold liquid bringing a wave of sadness over my body as I watched them turn a corner and leave my eyesight.

Draco arms wrapped around my waist from behind as he placed a warm kiss on my cheek. "It's going to be okay." He softly whispered into my ear. I brought my hands over his and circled the top of his soft hand with my thumb.

"We need to go, my mother is waiting." He spoke softly as he removed his arms and interlocked our hands.

I turned around to face him. "How are we getting there?" I asked as we began to walk down the platform.

"We're apparating."


My breath hitched as my feet finally hit the firm ground. My stomach turned and my head spun from the apparation, I've never really taken to it very well. Once my vision became more clear I looked forward and saw the all too familiar malfoy manor infront of me.

I remembered the first time I stepped foot onto these grounds. Where I was cursed, where Draco was tortured and where Lucius was killed.

Which he truly deserved after everything he has done.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the large doors opening. A pretty, petite woman with pale skin came in view. Her hair was black, however underneath it was a platinum blonde, exactly like Dracos. She looked a lot like Draco but less moody.

"My son." She beamed as she walked down the steps of the porch and opened her arms out to Draco. She pulled him in for a loving hug, her eyes filled with glee.

"Hello mother." He breathed into her hair. A small smile appeared onto my lips as I watched him become vulnerable from his mothers touch. He opened his eyes as he saw my smile before rolling his eyes and pulling away from his mothers grasp.

The sweet woman let put a warm smile before turning her attention to me. "Ahh you must be Leah."

"Yes Miss Malfoy." I smiled respectfully, wanting to make a good impression on his mother.

A New Feeling  - Draco Malfoy Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now