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A/n This chapter does contain some smut so be warned :)

My eyes slowly open on a fine sunday morning. The sound of birds singing there morning melodies wakes my body. The sun opens my mind and I instantly remember last night.

Mine and dracos kiss, him touching me. A smile creeps it's way onto my face thinking about him. I never thought I would be feeling like this towards someone like him. But I do. Maybe things will be different with each other and we wont be fighting all the time. I want to kiss him again, feel his soft lips come into contact with mine.

It's a sunday so again I have no classes. Today will be another relaxing day. I decide to throw on jumper and a smart skirt.

I then brush my brunette hair out and put it into a messy bun. As I'm doing this I gasp and remember Cedric. I was too busy thinking about mine and dracos kiss that I completely forgot what happened. What happened to him once Draco and I left?

Is he going to be mad at me? I wanted to stay with him but draco was literally dragging me inside and he is strong as fuck.

I quickly rush out my dorm and head to the great hall to see if I can find him. I scan around the large room for the tall hufflepuff and then I see him. His nose is really bruised and the same with his eye. Draco really did a number on him.

I quickly walk over to him and once he meets my eyes I see a sadness in them. He stands up and tries to walk past me but I grab his arm.

"Cedric, please." I pleaded to him. He looked down at me. I could he his bruises close up now and I couldn't help but feel guilty.

"What do you want leah?" He said with an anger in his tone.

"Listen, I'm sorry about last night, I-I don't know why he did that, I didn't want for any of this to happen." I said to him.

"Its fine leah, I don't care." He said as he started walking away from me.

"Cedr-" I started.

"I said I'm fine!" He shouted, making me flinch. He then walked out of the great hall, anger radiating off his body.

He hates me, one of the only friends I have here and he hates me. I just hope he'll come around eventually. I decided that I'll just head to the library and do some homework or something, maybe clear my head a bit. I'll try and talk to him later, maybe he would have calmed down a bit by then.


I sit by myself in the corner of the library, away from everyone else, and begin to read. Its really peaceful here, not too much noise. A perfect place to read and relax to get my mind off everything that's been going on.

About 10 minutes of reading I feel someone come behind me and sit right next to me. I look to my right and see draco staring right at me. I quickly look back at my book trying not to smile. I have no idea what to say to him after last night. He kissed me and admitted he felt something for me. What am I supposed to say to him.

A few minutes go by and I suddenly feel a cold hand come in contact with my bare thigh. He grips it tightly and begins stroking my skin slowly. The way his skin feels on mine makes me melt at his touch.

His thumb glides along my inner thigh causing me to shiver. He slowly makes his way up to my underwear and I let him. I don't understand why my body has this reaction to him, but I like it. It's as if my body takes over my mind.

He teases me with his fingers, moving them around my heat. I keep my head down not wanting him to see how I'm melting from his touch. He begins to rub his thumb along my clit, causing shaky breath to come out my mouth. Fuck it felt so good. I shift in my seat as he begins to go faster and faster. I can feel him looking at me, watching the effect he has on me.

Without any warning his cold finger makes it way under my underwear and into my heat, causing a gasp to come out my mouth. I cover my mouth with one hand and grip the bottom of his sleeve with the other. I see him smirk in the corner of my eye, as he continues pushing his finger in and out of me. It takes all my might to hold in my moans, how is he so good at this.

I have never been this wet before, and I know draco likes the effect he has on me. He puts another finger into my heat and continues to go faster. I feel myself about to cum and he can feel it aswell. He goes faster than ever, rubbing my clit at the same time until I finally reach my climax. I moan quietly, showing him I enjoyed it.

He then removes his hand out my underwear. I turn to him, out of breath and see him looking deeply into my eyes, slowly putting his fingers in his mouth, tasting my fluids. He smirks and leans back in his chair, hands behind his head, winking at me and I scoff.

"So, how's you're day been so far Austin?" He says sarcastically. He thinks he's so clever.

I glare at him for a moment before a small smirk creeps it's way onto my lips. "It's been great thanks"

"Yeah I could tell" he says, I wide smirk playing on his face. I grap my book and hit him on the shoulder as he chuckles. "I don't think Diggory can make you feel like that hm?"

I roll my eyes and turn back to my book, still feeling his gaze on me. His eyes not leaving my body. "If you're going to stare, than you could at least not do it right in front off me."

"I'm just thinking about how easily I made you cum." He says cheekily, gliding his thumb along his bottom lip.

"Shut up." I say, trying to hide my cheeks, that are blushing like crazy.

A smirk played at his lips before he sent me a seductive wink.

He then stands up and waves me goodbye as he strolls out of the library leaving me by myself. I huff and carry on reading my book for about an hour.


After packing up my books I head out of the library, making my way to the slytherin common room. I think I'll just spend the rest of the day in my dorm doing homework, I've already had a pretty eventual day with Malfoy.

I walk into my dorm and see that pansy isn't here. She's never really around, probably shagging every boy in the school. We don't speak to each other that often. But I'm fine with that, the times we do talk she just acts like a real bitch.

I change into some more comfortable clothes. I put on a red tank top and black shorts. As I start getting my homework out, I see an owl appear at my window with a letter. Strange, who could be writing to me? I don't recall a full moon coming up any time soon so it can't be my mother?

I open my window and the cold breeze hits my face, making me shiver. I take the letter from the strange looking owl. It doesn't look like it gets taken care off very well.

I open the letter curiously and read it slowly.

I know what you are.

What... the fuck. What do they mean? Are they talking about my condition? No it can't be. They can't know. Theres No way. And who is they? My heart starts to race rapidly, almost exploding out off my chest. My forehead begins to sweat. This can't be happening. If anybody knows then I'm in grave danger, they'll find me and hurt me. I rip up the letter, trying to completely get it off my mind. They might not be talking about my condition, they could be talking about something completely different! Like me being a mudblood or something.

I hardly get any sleep that night, my brain waffling on about the possible outcomes from this letter and who it was from.

A New Feeling  - Draco Malfoy Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now