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I curled up on my bed clenching my pillow into my chest. My sobs were painful and harsh. The thought of losing my parents terrified me. I relied on them. They were my only family. The only people I could go home too. If I lost them then I'd be stuck.

And then the thought of Draco being tortured because of me killed me. Seeing him in pain made my stomach turn. I had no choice. To protect him and my parents I had to stop seeing him. This was the last thing I wanted to do. But it was necessary.

If I wasn't a fucking mudblood then none of this would be happening. I could be with Draco happily. If that stupid werewolf didn't bite me when I was young then everything would be better. I would give anything to be a normal witch. To be with him.

I don't know how I'm going to do this. How am I going to let him go? I love him. I know that now. I've never loved someone so much before. He is my world. But now, we had to become strangers.


I didn't get much sleep last night. All I could do is cry. Cry. Cry.

I sat in the great hall for breakfast at the bottom end of the slytherin table. I didn't eat at all. I couldn't bear it. Cole and Cora sat opposite me as they ate their food.

"Leah are you okay you haven't eaten anything?" Cora worryingly asked me from across the table.

I nodded my head in response, unable to let any words escape my mouth. They both look at each other for a moment. They could tell I wasn't okay. I saw them whisper to one another before Cole turned to me. "Leah can you come with me for a minute darling?"

I gradually stood up from the table and followed Cole out the great hall. I didn't want to talk about it to know one. But I know I need to, and Cole will listen.

He took me to lonely hallway, making sure no one was around to snoop in on our conversation.

"Tell me what's wrong love." Cole asked placing his warm hand on my shoulder.

I looked down at my feet, tears filling up my eyes. Cole noticed and immediately pulled me into his chest. He held my body tightly as I soaked his robes with my tears. I wrapped my arms around his body as I continued to let out my emotions.

It took minutes of crying until I could finally speak. My words came out slowly but they came. I told him everything. I told him what Lucius said about staying away from Draco. About him killing my parents. About him torturing the boy I loved if I didn't stay away from him. All because I was a fucking mudblood.

I also told Cole about Lucius knowing my secret and saying he'll need me in the future. I'm still confused about that. What does he need me for. I certainly won't help him with anything after what he's blackmailing me to do. But I have a feeling I won't have a choice.

"I'm so fucking sorry leah." Cole whisperd into my hair. His robes were absolutely drenched.

"Cole what do I do." I sobbed, but I already knew the answer.

He takes a deep breath. "You need to end things with him. For your sake, your parents and Dracos." He said slowly stroking my hair. I cried into his arms once again. I had to let Draco go. I'll tell him next time I see him, which will be soon.


I bumped into Ron on the way to the slytherin common room, he asked me if he wanted to hang out. I agreed. I didn't want to come off as rude. So hear I am with him, Harry and Hermione at the library.

"You alright leah, you look a little pale." Harry asked, pushing his glasses up slightly. No I wasn't okay, but I put on a fake smile.

"Yeah I'm fine." I lie, offering him a fake smile.

"How are things with you and Malfoy?" Hermione asked. His name hit my stomach like a bullet. I was trying not to think about him but it was impossible. He was all that was on my mind.

"Wait what, you're with Malfoy?!" Ron spoke loudly, unaware of his volume. How was I supposed to answer that.

I just shrugged my shoulders and kept my eyes down.

"I seriously can't stand that git. It's like he doesn't have a heart. He's stuck up, rude and horrid just like his father." Harry ranted. Anger started to roam my body. Draco was nothing like his father. Draco wasn't the one threatening the life of my parents like that cold-hearted demon. How dare Harry compare him to that monster.

"Draco is nothing like his father!" I snap at him. They all look at me in shock. "You know nothing about him so keep your mouth fucking shut." I finish. They all look taken back by my tone but I couldn't care less.

"Leah, we've known him for years. You've known him for a few months, I think we know a lot more then you do." Harry replies.

"You don't know him like I do! You don't know what his life is like beyond these walls!" I shout at him.

"Leah just calm dow-" Hermione tries to calm me but I snap back.

"Calm down?" I laugh. "Calm down? I'll calm down once he stops talking shit about my boyfriend!"


"I need to go." I rush out the library and head to my dorm. I hear Ron call me but I ignore him, too overwhelmed to see anyone.

That was the first time I properly called Draco my boyfriend. The words just slipped out my mouth. I was so pissed off at Harry for saying all those things about the boy I loved. And the boy I had to leg go of.

I stumble through the dark hallways trying to get to my dorm in one piece. I just want to cry. Let my pain out again and again. I can't bare to see his face. What will be his reaction when I tell him I can no longer see him. Will he be angry? Sad? Or will he not care at all?

As I walk up the stairs to the dorms I see a flash of platinum hair in the corner of my eye.

My heart stops.

Draco walks out his dorm and his eyes meet mine. A smile instantly appears on his face as he strides over to me.

Suddenly he's walking in slow motion. Every step he takes closer to me punches my stomach. Strands of his soft hair falls over his forehead. His strut is confident and his face is full of lust and happiness as he looks at me, getting closer and closer.

Now right infront of me his calming hand grabs mine and locks it with his, our fingers intertwined. I look at him and memorize his face. His smile, his eyes that I'll always fall for and all his beautiful features. Soon I won't be this close with him. I'm finally pulled out of my thoughts as he speaks.

"Hey I haven't seen you all day. I've missed you, are you okay?" He asks worryingly. Tears awaken in my eyes as he brings up his other hand and as soon as his soft fingers touch my cheek I break.

I fall down to the floor in his arms as he holds me tightly. I begin to sob. Not the same sob as before. It's death-like.

"Shhhh" he holds me tighter as we both sit on the floor. "You're okay, I'm here. I've got you." He places his chin on top of my head and he strokes his hand along my hair in an attempt to calm me down.

He picks me up bridal style and carries me to his dorm. My head buried in his chest. The scent of him comforts me as he lays me on his bed lightly. He slides in next to me, bringing the cover over us as I continue to cry into his chest.

A New Feeling  - Draco Malfoy Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now