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I sat silently at the slytherin table, not drawing too much attention to myself until the boy infront of me introduces himself.

"I'm Blaise by the way, Blaise zabini" he said friendly.

"I'm leah Austin." I said with a small smile on my face, talking a sip of my water. I then look over and see Draco smirking at me. Shit I forgot how close he was and now he knows my name. So for trying to stop him from getting what he wants. With a roll of my eyes I turned my attention back onto Blaise.

"So transfer right, I assume you went to beauxbatons." He said and I nod my head. "Well it's a good thing you're in slytherin, best house here in my opinion."

"Yeah I'm pretty happy about it too, I feel like I'll have a lot of fun being in this house." I said.

"This is crabbe and goyle, and on the end their is malfoy" Blaise said pointing to each boy as he spoke.

I look over at crabbe and goyle who seem to occupied with their food and then at malfoy who's still staring at me strangely. I think it's better If I act like I haven't met him before.

"It's nice to meet you all-" I'm cut off when malfoy finally speaks up.

"We've met" he says not taking his eyes off mine.

I gulp and look back down at my food, playing with the roasted potatoes on my plate.

"Oh um, great I guess. Say leah," he shuffled on his seat. "As you're a slytherin I assume you're a pureblood right?" Blaise said, catching me off guard.

I let out a shaky breath and my body tensed up. I didn't want to lie to Blaise as he seemed very nice but I didn't want to risk being ridiculed for being muggle-born.

"Ye-" I start but am immediately cut off by malfoy. Again.

"No she's not, she's the farthest thing from it." He sent me a deadly smirk that made my stomach turn. "A filthy little mudblood" he said the last bit in disgust as if it's an unholy disease.

How the hell did he know, the only person I told about my parents being muggles was Luna but I know she wouldn't tell anyone, especially not Malfoy. And how dare he call me a mudblood! This angered me and I now understand what Luna was talking about.

"How dare you call me that," I start "and so what if my parents are muggles, it doesn't mean anything" I say angrily turning my whole body in his direction.

"Everybody knows that mudbloods are a disgrace to the wizarding world, I would rather die than be one." He said arrogantly, folding his arms on the table.

"And I'd rather be a mudblood than a foul little git like yourself!" I said quite loudly, too loud as a lot of people start whispering. So for not drawing attention to myself, now everyone will know what I am. I'm not embarrassed about being a muggle born, but I know a lot of people wouldn't accept me for being one. But now everybody will know.

After I said this Malfoys smirk quickly disappeared from his face. He obviously was offended by what I said. Good, he needs to learn that not everyone will let him torture them. I wasn't going to let him push me around, I'm not that type of person.

"Now you listen here" he said leaning forward on the table. "You won't speak to me like that ever again. I happen to be part of one of the most powerful pureblood families, and I certainly won't take any back chat from a filthy little mudblood like yourself." He says sternly now leaning back slightly.

I blink, my mouth slightly open in shock. He really doesn't care at all about hurting others, he's horrid.

"Go fuck yourself malfoy." I said angrily glaring at him.

A New Feeling  - Draco Malfoy Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now